"Security Firm Releases Flawed Blockchain into the Wild to Help Educate Hackers"

Blockchain technology has attracted much attention from leaders across different industries as this technology has the potential to improve upon security and privacy. It has been pointed out by researchers that the methods of blockchain technology could be applied to improve authentication for IoT device security, ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data, and much more. However, vulnerabilities that could allow a blockchain to be compromised by malicious actors still exist. A cybersecurity firm, named Kudelski Security, recently announced the release of an insecure blockchain, called FumbleChain, into the wild. Hackers' attempts at attacking this blockchain would be used to develop better methods to securing blockchains. This article continues to discuss Kudelski Security's FumbleChain in regard to its purpose and approach, as well as the security of blockchains. 

TNW reports "Security Firm Releases Flawed Blockchain into the Wild to Help Educate Hackers"

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