"Security Risk for E-Scooters and Riders"

The use of micromobility vehicles such as e-scooters is rising, which is welcomed as these vehicles help to reduce traffic congestion. However, computer science experts at the University of Texas at San Antonio conducted research in which they examined the security and privacy risks posed by e-scooters as well as the software services and applications used by such vehicles. According to experts, the identified vulnerabilities and attack surfaces in the micromobility ecosystem could be exploited by hackers to perform several different attacks on users, involving eavesdropping, spoofing GPS systems, inferring private data, remotely controlling vehicles, and more. Vendors can face denial-of-service attacks and the exposure of data. This article continues to discuss the weak points discovered in the micromobility ecosystem that could be exploited by hackers and what the exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow malicious adversaries to do.

Science Daily reports "Security Risk for E-Scooters and Riders"

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