"Senate Bill Aims to Boost Cyber Support for Small Business at State Level"

Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-NH, has introduced legislation that aims to strengthen small businesses' cybersecurity posture by providing funding to Small Business Development Centers assisting businesses with security. The Small Business Cybersecurity Act would create a federal program that would provide direct grants to Small Business Development Centers in order for them to create or continue cybersecurity programs for small businesses. Small Business Development Centers can use the funds to provide cybersecurity training to small business employees and to conduct cybersecurity posture assessments. The US Small Business Administration established the centers to provide informational tools to help new businesses get started and to help existing businesses grow. A cyberattack can severely disrupt a small business's operations, so it is critical that small businesses have the tools they need to protect themselves, according to Liz Gray, state director of the New Hampshire Small Business Development Council. This article continues to discuss the goals of the Small Business Cybersecurity Act.

MeriTalk reports "Senate Bill Aims to Boost Cyber Support for Small Business at State Level"

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