"ShiftLeft Finds a 97 Percent Reduction in Open-Source Software Vulnerabilities"
ShiftLeft recently reported AppSec news, revealing a 97 percent reduction in open-source software (OSS) vulnerabilities, based on millions of scans of its customers. According to the researchers, by identifying and prioritizing attackable OSS vulnerabilities, AppSec teams and developers can now fix what matters, ship code faster, and improve security with fewer and better fixes. ShiftLeft's report also said focusing on attackability and reducing false positives increases the speed at which developers carry out fixes and reduces mean-time-to-remediate (MTTR). ShiftLeft reported a 37 percent year-over-year reduction in MTTR, improving overall security posture and reducing the likelihood of attacks by reducing the time vulnerabilities are exposed. Rapid scans, according to the report, now allow security teams to scan more frequently, improving security by allowing better coverage of very large applications that previously required hours or days to scan. This article continues to discuss key findings from ShiftLeft's report on application security.
SC Media reports "ShiftLeft Finds a 97 Percent Reduction in Open-Source Software Vulnerabilities"