"Slovak, Polish Parliaments Hit by Cyberattacks"
On Thursday, cyberattacks hit the Slovak and Polish parliaments, bringing down the voting system in Slovakia's legislature. The Polish Senate stated that the attack was multi-directional, including from inside the Russian Federation. The Polish Senate noted that it may be linked to the Senate's vote Wednesday declaring the Russian government a "terrorist regime." The Slovak parliament's deputy speaker Gabor Grendel stated that their parliament's entire computer network has been paralyzed. Grendel noted that around 11 am, they were about to vote when the head of their administrative department informed them there had been a cyberattack on the IT system of the parliament. Therefore, the parliamentary session was interrupted. Grendel noted that all computers and phone lines went down, making it impossible for lawmakers to vote on several bills. The Slovak parliamentary speaker said that they have yet to identify the source of this problem and that their technicians are currently trying to solve it.
SecurityWeek reports: "Slovak, Polish Parliaments Hit by Cyberattacks"