"Smart Factory Cyber Attacks Knock Out Production for Days"

Trend Micro commissioned independent research specialist Vanson Bourne to survey 500 IT and OT professionals in the United States, Germany, and Japan. The survey revealed that over 60 percent of manufacturers have faced a cybersecurity incident in their smart factories, with over 70 percent of them having suffered system outages as a result. They are also finding it difficult to deploy the technology needed to manage cyber risk. Akihiko Omikawa, the executive VP of IoT security for Trend Micro, has emphasized that the gap in IT and OT cybersecurity awareness is creating an imbalance between people, processes, and technology, thus giving threat actors more opportunities to launch attacks. The security challenges most cited by respondents in all three countries were technology, people, and processes. However, less than half of them are implementing technical measures to strengthen cybersecurity. Organizations with high IT-OT collaboration were more likely to implement technical security measures than those with little to no IT-OT collaboration. Most respondents cited standards and guidelines as the top driver for enhanced collaboration, with the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) Cyber Security Framework and ISO27001 (ISMS) being among the most popular guidelines. Trend Micro has suggested a three-step technical approach to securing smart factories and maintaining operations, which involves reducing intrusion risks at data exchange points, spotting anomalous network behavior, and more. This article continues to discuss findings surrounding smart factory cyberattacks and IT-OT collaboration, as well as the technical approach suggested by Trend Micro to bolster the security of such factories.

PR Newswire reports "Smart Factory Cyber Attacks Knock Out Production for Days"

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