"Social Media Account Hijacking Jumps 1,000% in Last 12 Months"
According to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), social media account hijacking has grown significantly within the last 12 months. Its 2022 Consumer Impact Report revealed that social media takeovers increased by 1,000 percent during the period. According to an ITRC survey of consumers, 85 percent had their Instagram accounts compromised, while 25 percent had their Facebook accounts hijacked. Of the account hijacking victims, 70 percent were permanently locked out of their social media accounts, and 71 percent had their friends contacted by the hackers who compromised the account. Social media account hijacking can have serious financial and emotional consequences, according to the report. For example, 27 percent of account hijacking victims told the ITRC that losing control of their social media caused them to lose sales revenue. Matt Polak, CEO and founder of Picnic Corporation, a social engineering protection company, points out that an account owner is not the only victim of account hijacking. A bad actor can create posts or send private messages impersonating the actual owner of the account to trick contacts into doing something they would not otherwise do, such as clicking on a malicious link, handing over credit card information or their credentials, or depositing money into the attacker's account. This article continues to discuss the rise and potential consequences of social media account hijacking.
TechNewsWorld reports "Social Media Account Hijacking Jumps 1,000% in Last 12 Months"