"'Speed and Agility,' 'Layered Cyber Deterrence' to Bolster American Cyber Defenses"

The Cyberspace Solarium Commission (CSC) released a report that discusses how to strengthen the security of the nation's critical infrastructure against dangerous cyberattacks. The CSC provides a comprehensive strategy to rebuild deterrence in cyberspace as well as the policies and legislative actions required to implement the plan. The report calls for the application of a layered cyber deterrence strategy aimed at changing behavior in cyberspace, ensuring that adversaries gain nothing when trying to exploit cyberspace, and enforcing consequences for those who decide to target America in the realm of cyberspace. Threats such as those posed by nation-states, including China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, as well as non-sate actors like criminals and extremist groups, are covered in the report. The CSC also brings further attention to the unique challenges faced in protecting the nation's cyberspace. Recommendations provided by the report on how the U.S. could improve its posture in cyberspace include establishing a Senate-approved National Cyber Director to lead the federal government's efforts in cyberspace and developing a continuity plan to help national critical functions recover quickly if a significant cyberattack occurs. This article continues to discuss highlights from CSC's report on how to bolster American cyber defenses. 

Homeland Security News Wire reports "'Speed and Agility,' 'Layered Cyber Deterrence' to Bolster American Cyber Defenses"

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