"Spyware Designed for Telegram Mods Also Targets WhatsApp Add-Ons"

Attackers are distributing spyware that stealthily collects private data from WhatsApp users on Android devices through the same mods previously discovered for the Telegram service. They counted 340,000 attempts to distribute the spyware via the WhatsApp mod. They believe the actual number of attempted attacks is higher due to the nature of the distribution channel. Although the attack affected users globally, Azerbaijan accounted for 46 percent of the victims. Other countries with a high number of victims include Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey. This article continues to discuss the discovery of spyware designed to steal from Android devices and Telegram mods that can also reach WhatsApp users.

Dark Reading reports "Spyware Designed for Telegram Mods Also Targets WhatsApp Add-Ons"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on