"The State of the Metaverse"

The metaverse raises significant concerns, including those about cybersecurity. The metaverse is a three-dimensional (3D) virtual immersive environment in which users interact as avatars. According to the 2023 report "Exploring the Industrial Metaverse in Manufacturing" from Deloitte and the Manufacturing Leadership Council, 72 percent of manufacturers are most concerned about the cybersecurity risks associated with implementing metaverse-enabling technologies. Mat Kuruvilla, the chief innovation architect at UST, encourages companies to think about how to control access to various devices, especially since many devices lack effective policy management. He adds that head-mounted devices pose a challenge because the security model for headsets remains unclear. This article continues to discuss the concept and applications of the metaverse as well as key concerns and considerations surrounding it.

CACM reports "The State of the Metaverse"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on