"From State-Sponsored Attackers to Common Cybercriminals: Destructive Attacks on the Rise"

According to a report recently released by IBM X-Force Incident Response and Intelligence Services (IRIS), there has been a significant increase in destructive attacks against organizations. These attacks aim to paralyze organizations by deleting data, encrypting data, disabling devices, and more. Destructive malware used to be a tool mostly used by sophisticated nation-state actors, but an analysis of X-Force's incident response data reveals the increased use of such malware by cybercriminal attackers. Organizations are encouraged to test their response plans, leverage threat intelligence, create effective strategies for data backup, and more, in order to reduce the risks posed by destructive malware attacks. This article continues to discuss the rise in destructive attacks, the potential consequences of such attacks, the concept of destructive malware, the targeting of various types of businesses, and what organizations can do to reduce the risk of destructive malware attacks.  

Security Intelligence reports "From State-Sponsored Attackers to Common Cybercriminals: Destructive Attacks on the Rise"

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