"Syrian Hackers Distributing Stealthy C#-Based Silver RAT to Cybercriminals"

The "Anonymous Arabic" threat group released Silver RAT, a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) capable of bypassing security software and silently launching hidden applications. According to the cybersecurity company Cyfirma, the developers maintain an active and sophisticated presence on multiple hacker forums and social media platforms. The actors, who are believed to be of Syrian origin and linked to the development of another RAT known as S500 RAT, also operate a Telegram channel that offers leaked databases, carding activities, and more. This article continues to discuss findings regarding the use of Silver RAT by Anonymous Arabic.

THN reports "Syrian Hackers Distributing Stealthy C#-Based Silver RAT to Cybercriminals"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on