"T-Mobile Faces Yet Another Data Breach"

T-mobile USA has reported a data breach that occurred last week via its website, its fourth data breach in three years. The data that was accessed by the adversary is customer proprietary network information  (CPNI).  CPNI is some of the most sensitive personal information that carriers and providers have about their customers, stated the Federal Communications Commission.  CPNI includes records of which phone numbers users called; the frequency, duration, and timing of such calls; and any services purchased by the consumer. The adversary did not gain access to data that included names on the account, physical or email addresses, financial data, credit card information, Social Security numbers, tax ID, passwords, or PINs.  T-Mobile stated that  0.2 percent of customers (around 200,000 people) were affected by the breach.  The article continues to discuss the other three data breaches that T-mobile USA had suffered in the past.  

Threatpost reports: "T-Mobile Faces Yet Another Data Breach"

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