"Tech Companies Pledge Billions for Critical Infrastructure Security Upgrades, Training"

President Joe Biden recently met with leaders of larger technology companies and platform providers to discuss options for addressing security threats and technical debt facing the U.S. The meeting resulted in Google, Microsoft, IBM, and other companies committing to investing in tens of billions of dollars in technology, cybersecurity training, and other initiatives. Google will spend $10 billion on several programs, including the expansion of its zero-trust initiative, software supply chain security effort, and training for nearly 100,000 people through its Google Career Certificates program. Microsoft plans on spending $20 billion to enhance its own product design and security processes. The company will also spend $150 million to help federal, state, and local government agencies upgrade their security. IBM committed to providing training for 150,000 people in cybersecurity and helping diversify the security workforce. These commitments are a part of the Biden administration's efforts to improve the country's critical infrastructure security and making investments to address the cyber skills shortage. This article continues to discuss the commitments made by large technology companies in an effort to improve the security of the nation's critical infrastructure significantly. 

Decipher reports "Tech Companies Pledge Billions for Critical Infrastructure Security Upgrades, Training"

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