TIM Review on Cybersecurity: August 2013 edition
The August 2013 issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review focused on the theme of Cybersecurity. This is the second of two issues covering the the editorial theme of Cybersecurity. These two issues of the journal include 15 contributions from 31 authors, 13 of which are with universities and research institutes; 11 are with industry; and 7 are with the government.
The August issue of the TIM Review includes eight articles. These articles provide: i) an approach to make Canada a global leader in cybersecurity; ii) methods to identify vulnerabilities and countermeasures in networked cyber-physical systems, deliver risk management for enterprises, and analyze all potential pathways of exposure to risk; iii) a research agenda for information system security engineering; iv) overviews of multifactor authentiation mechanisms and self protecting systems; and v) a model to help security providers position their service offers.
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