"Toshiba Business Reportedly Hit by DarkSide Ransomware"

Toshiba Tec Corporation, a subsidiary of Japanese tech giant Toshiba, has admitted that they suffered a cybersecurity breach caused by the DarkSide ransomware gang.  Toshiba Tec Corporation makes printing, scanning, and other office equipment.  Although the update did not confirm whether any customer data was taken in the incident, Toshiba admitted that it is possible that the criminal gang may have leaked some information and data.  The firm has contacted the relevant authorities in Europe, where the attackers struck, and are working with third-party cyber experts to find out exactly what happened.  During the investigation by cyber experts, they found that over 740GB of data had been stolen, including passport scans and other personal information.


Infosecurity reports: "Toshiba Business Reportedly Hit by DarkSide Ransomware"

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