"Two New Intel CPU Flaws Make It Easy for Hackers to Extract Sensitive Data"

Two new vulnerabilities have been discovered in Intel processors. The exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow hackers to gain access to sensitive data stored on compromised systems. Researchers from the University of Michigan, the VU University of Amsterdam, and the University of Adelaide in Australia published information about two different proof-of-concept attacks, called SGAxe and CrossTalk, that demonstrate the abuse of the security flaws. The flaws impact Intel units released between 2015 and 2019, including some Xeon E3 processors. According to Intel's June security advisory, it is unlikely that anyone could execute these attacks outside of the lab. However, the company will release a microcode update. This article continues to discuss the new Intel security vulnerabilities and what the performance of SGAxe and CrossTalk attacks could allow threat actors to do. 

TechSpot reports "Two New Intel CPU Flaws Make It Easy for Hackers to Extract Sensitive Data"


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