"UChicago Researchers Honored by Samsung for Finding Vulnerability in Smart TVs"

Researchers from the University of Chicago's Department of Computer Science were recently honored by Samsung for identifying previously unknown vulnerabilities in smart TVs, earning them a place in the Samsung Hall of Fame. The team demonstrated how an attacker could use the audio on Samsung and Apple TVs to guess when a user is typing, the length of the entered information, and the number of cursor movements between selections. Their side-channel attack shows how easily hackers could guess a user's passwords and credit card numbers. One of the researchers, Ph.D. student Tejas Kannan, got the idea when listening to a research talk about how attackers can discover user keystrokes by exploiting GPU performance counters on mobile devices. This article continues to discuss the side-channel attack created by the team that earned them a spot in the Samsung Hall of Fame.

The University of Chicago reports "UChicago Researchers Honored by Samsung for Finding Vulnerability in Smart TVs"

Submitted by grigby1

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