"UK Data Regulator Warns That Data Breaches Put Abuse Victims' Lives at Risk"

The UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has issued a warning about the potential risks posed by data breaches that expose the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of domestic abuse victims. The data privacy regulator urges organizations handling domestic abuse victims' PII to train their staff and implement appropriate systems to prevent such incidents. In the past 14 months, the ICO has reprimanded seven organizations for data breaches impacting victims of domestic abuse, including four instances in which organizations exposed victims' safe addresses. The ICO said that the root causes of the data breaches differ, but a lack of staff training and the absence of robust procedures for safely handling personal information are common themes. This article continues to discuss the potential impact of data breaches on domestic abuse victims and what organizations should do to protect personal information. 

CSO Online reports "UK Data Regulator Warns That Data Breaches Put Abuse Victims' Lives at Risk"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on