UMD Researcher Elissa Redmiles Presents at IEEE Security and Privacy

On the first day of IEEE Security and Privacy, Elissa Redmiles from the University of Maryland Lablet, presented her paper she wote with fellow University of Maryland researchers Amelia Malone, and Michelle Mazurek. The paper was a study on how people choose what security advice they follow or not. They did a comparision between physical and cyber. The basis was 25 semi structured interviews.  They found participants evaluated digital-security advice based on the trustworthiness of the advice source, but evaluated physical-security advice based on their intuitive assessment of the advice content. They also found that stories can be effective; such as a bad experience or even TV shows. Also users would ignored advice that seemed to be more marketing in nature or was privacy instrusive or too hard/advance/not their responsibility for them. Lots of people also were not concerned about the risk as they believe they are low risk.

Interesting note; in the paper; they cite last year's the honorable mention paper from the sos paper competition. The social proof paper.

Paper URL:

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