"Unwanted Emails Steadily Creeping Into Inboxes"
According to Hornetsecurity research, 40.5 percent of work emails are unwanted. The Cyber Security Report 2023, which examined over 25 billion work emails, also reveals significant changes in the nature of cyberattacks in 2022, showing the ongoing, expanding threats to email security and the importance of caution in digital workplace communications. Phishing is still the most common type of email attack, accounting for 39.6 percent of all detected threats. Archive files (i.e., ZIP and 7z) sent via email account for 28 percent of threats, down from 33.6 percent last year, with HTML files increasing from 15.3 percent to 21 percent, and DOC(X) increasing from 4.8 percent to 12.7 percent. New cybersecurity trends and techniques for businesses to be aware of were also tracked. Since Microsoft disabled macro settings in Office 365, there has been a significant increase in HTML smuggling attacks delivering malware via embedded LNK or ZIP files. Microsoft 365 makes document sharing simple, but end users often overlook the effects of how files are shared, as well as the security implications. According to Hornetsecurity, 25 percent of respondents were either unsure or assumed that Microsoft 365 was impervious to ransomware threats. This article continues to discuss key findings from the new Hornetsecurity Cyber Security Report.
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