"US, European Police Say They’ve Disrupted The Notorious Emotet Botnet"

U.S. and European law enforcement agencies stated Wednesday that they had seized control of the computing infrastructure used by Emotet, a botnet of infected machines that has been one of the most pervasive cybercrime threats over the last six years.  The botnet has wreaked havoc on state and local institutions in the U.S. and abroad. The Department of Homeland Security has estimated that Emotet infections have cost U.S. state and local governments $1 million per incident to clean up.  The investigators gained control of the infrastructure and took it down from the inside, Europol stated.  Taking down the infrastructure is a big blow to the botnet that has haunted the internet for years.  It is unclear whether the criminals behind Emotet will be able to rebuild their operations. Botnets can be resilient; TrickBot, another big botnet, has survived big efforts to disrupt its operations from Microsoft and U.S. Cyber Command.

Cyberscoop reports: "US, European Police Say They’ve Disrupted The Notorious Emotet Botnet"

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