"US Holiday Shoppers Fear Cyber-Scams"

McAfee commissioned 3Gem to survey 1,000 adults over the age of 18 in the US between October 8 and October 13, 2020. The results of McAfee's "2020 Holiday Season: State of Today's Digital e-Shopper" survey indicate that 36% of American consumers plan on buying gifts online this year despite most consumers knowing that cyber scams are more prevalent during the holiday season. Since the COVID-19 crisis hit, 49% of Americans have been doing more online shopping. The survey also found differences in the level of concern across different age groups. Those that are 65 or older expressed more concern about the increase in cyber threats due to COVID-19 than those between the ages of 18 and 24. As Americans plan to do more online shopping this holiday season, there needs to be more awareness about potential cyber scams and strategies for protecting themselves from them. This article continues to discuss the expected growth in online shopping this holiday season and concerns about the prevalence of cyber scams during that time of the year. 

Infosecurity Magazine reports "US Holiday Shoppers Fear Cyber-Scams"


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