"US to Invest $50 Million in Securing Hospitals Against Cyber Threats"

The US government's Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) has announced a $50 million cybersecurity effort to help Information Technology (IT) teams protect hospital environments from cyberattacks. ARPA-H says the large number of Internet-connected devices implemented in health facilities makes it chllaenging to advance cybersecurity tools, leaving hospitals and other health organizations vulnerable to disruptive cyberattacks. While taking critical hospital infrastructure offline for updates is disruptive, delayed patches leave supported and legacy devices vulnerable for long periods. The program "Universal PatchinG and Remediation for Autonomous DEfense" (UPGRADE) proactively identifies vulnerabilities in digital hospital environments and helps automate patch procurement, development, testing, and deployment. This article continues to discuss the goals of the UPGRADE program. 

SecurityWeek reports "US to Invest $50 Million in Securing Hospitals Against Cyber Threats"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on