"U.S. Utility Firms Hit by State-Sponsored Spear-Phishing Attack"

Three U.S. utility companies were the targets of a spear phishing campaign in which new malware, called LookBack, was used. The spear phishing emails sent to these companies appeared to be from a U.S.-based engineering licensing board. However, once the malicious attachment in these emails were opened, the remote access Trojan, LookBack, would be executed. According to researchers at Proofpoint, LookBack would allow attackers delete files, execute commands, take screenshots, and more, on infected systems. This article continues to discuss the spear phishing campaign in regard to its targets, techniques, and malware in addition to the suspected perpetrators behind the launch of this attack.

TechRadar reports "U.S. Utility Firms Hit by State-Sponsored Spear-Phishing Attack"

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