"Verizon DBIR: Healthcare Cyberattacks Increase, Insider Threats Remain"

Verizon's 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) revealed a growth in cyberattacks across all sectors, including healthcare. Verizon discovered a 13 percent spike in ransomware year-over-year, representing an increase that is more significant than the previous five years combined. Researchers analyzed 23,896 security incidents, 849 of which were faced by the healthcare industry. In healthcare, 571 of the detected cyber events resulted in confirmed data leakage. Last year's Verizon report revealed that researchers observed 655 healthcare incidents, with 472 resulting in confirmed data disclosures. Although insider threats are prevalent in healthcare, external threats accounted for 61 percent of threat actors, a percentage that did not change by one percentage point from the previous year's report. The top three patterns did not change, but the order did. In the healthcare sector, basic web application attacks have surpassed other errors as the leading cause of breaches. Basic web application attacks, miscellaneous errors, and system intrusions accounted for 76 percent of all healthcare breaches. This article continues to discuss key findings from Verizon's DBIR regarding healthcare cyberattacks and threats. 

HealthITSecurity reports "Verizon DBIR: Healthcare Cyberattacks Increase, Insider Threats Remain"


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