"'Virtually Unhackable' Chip Could Make GPU More Power Efficient and Much Faster at AI - By Combining Light and Silicon for a Fundamental Mathematical Operation"

Penn Engineers' groundbreaking new chip provides faster performance, lower energy consumption, and enhanced privacy. Since many computations can take place at the same time, sensitive information does not need to be stored in a computer's working memory, making a computer with such technology nearly unhackable. The new chip performs Artificial Intelligence (AI) computations using light waves rather than electricity, potentially resulting in significant increases in processing speed and energy efficiency. This article continues to discuss the new chip said to be virtually unhackable.

TechRadar reports "'Virtually Unhackable' Chip Could Make GPU More Power Efficient and Much Faster at AI - By Combining Light and Silicon for a Fundamental Mathematical Operation"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on