"Visa Warns of Attack Involving Mix of POS Malware"

Visa researchers have reported their findings on independent attacks against two North American merchants involving point-of-sale (POS) malware variants. One attack deployed a TinyPOS variant, while another attack used a mix of malware such as MMon (also known as Kaptoxa), PwnPOS, and RtPOS. In one of the attacks, a North American hospitality merchant's employees received phishing emails aimed at compromising administrator accounts and legitimate administrative tools to gain access to the network's cardholder data environment (CDE). Once the attackers successfully gained access to the CDE, they used the TinyPOS memory scraper to collect Track 1 and Track 2 payment card data and to identify processes running on the system associated with specific POS software. This article continues to discuss the deployment of POS malware in two separate attacks against North American merchants and how merchants can reduce their exposure to such malware.

Security Week reports "Visa Warns of Attack Involving Mix of POS Malware"


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