"Web Injections Are Back on the Rise: 40+ Banks Affected by New Malware Campaign"

Web injections, a popular technique used by various banking trojans, remain a threat. Malicious injections allow cybercriminals to manipulate data exchanges between users and web browsers, potentially compromising sensitive data. IBM Security Trusteer researchers discovered a new malware campaign involving JavaScript web injections in March 2023. The campaign is widespread and evasive, with historical Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) suggesting a possible link to DanaBot. Since the start of 2023, researchers have seen more than 50,000 infected user sessions where these injections were used by attackers. More than 40 banks in North America, South America, Europe, and Japan were affected by this malware campaign. This article continues to discuss the rise in web injections.

Security Intelligence reports "Web Injections Are Back on the Rise: 40+ Banks Affected by New Malware Campaign"

Submitted by grigby1

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