"White House Cyber Official: U.S. Beating China in Race to Quantum Supremacy"

A senior White House official overseeing cybersecurity recently stated that the U.S. is ahead of China in the dash to achieve quantum supremacy thanks to the “huge competitive advantage” conferred by the collaborative nature of American science and industry. Quantum computing has been a big topic of discussion because quantum computers might be able to break encryption, including the encryption used to protect highly sensitive government data. Experts say that the first country to produce functional quantum computers will claim a major strategic advantage in various fields, especially in defense and cybersecurity. According to the National Security Council’s Director for Cyber and Emerging Tech Policy, Jonah Hill has stated that the United States is in a “generally favorable position vis-à-vis China” in the race to win on quantum computing. Hill noted that China does not have that same sort of broad coalition working together that we do. Hill stated that the freedom to engage in scientific endeavors in the United States is unparalleled. Hill noted that our universities are unmatched and that he thinks the United States is going to continue to maintain an advantage so long as we continue to invest in the kinds of things that we need to invest in, both in R&D, but also again in the basic science that can drive new innovations in this tech. Hill said that White House officials are concerned about the Chinese stealing American intellectual property and using it to outpace America in the race to quantum supremacy. Quantum Computing is ripe for abuse, manipulation, and theft, Hill noted.


CyberScoop reports: "White House Cyber Official: U.S. Beating China in Race to Quantum Supremacy"

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