"White House Hosts International Summit Aimed At Thwarting Ransomware"
The White House has hosted a global ransomware summit to combat the threat of ransomware. The International Counter Ransomware Summit includes 36 participating countries and technology companies, including Microsoft, Siemens, Mandiant, and more. According to a senior administration official, the summit is part of an international partnership that spans most of the world's time zones and highlights the threat posed by cybercriminals and cyberattacks. In order to address challenges, the agenda focuses on five themes: increasing the resilience of all partners, disrupting cybercriminals, combating illicit finance, building private-sector partnerships, and strengthening global cooperation. The Resilience Working Group, which was established at the first summit last year, is said to have held two threat exercises in 2021 to ensure members could participate and learn from one another in order to implement best practices in the event of an attack. The administration also brought further attention to recent attacks, such as the September ransomware attack on the Los Angeles Unified School District, which caused service disruptions. Other attacks mentioned include those targeting hospitals in France and the UK, as well as a significant ransomware attack that occurred recently in Australia. This article continues to discuss the goals and highlights of the International Counter Ransomware Summit.
SiliconANGLE reports "White House Hosts International Summit Aimed At Thwarting Ransomware"