"White House Launches Chemical Sector Security Sprint"
The Biden–Harris administration has recently launched a new initiative designed to improve the security of industrial systems in the chemical sector over the next 100 days as part of ongoing efforts to reduce cyber-risk in critical infrastructure (CNI). The Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Cybersecurity Initiative will cover the chemical sector, following similar initiatives in the electricity, pipeline, water, and railway industries. The 100 day security "sprint" will focus on information sharing and coordination between the federal government and the private sector. The plan is also to prioritize "high-risk chemical facilities" that "present significant chemical release hazards" and to drive collaboration between sector owners and operators to ensure the right technologies are deployed based on individual risk assessments. While initially focusing on those high-risk facilities, the goal is to disseminate best practices for enhanced ICS cybersecurity across the entire chemical sector.
Infosecurity reports: "White House Launches Chemical Sector Security Sprint"