"Wireless Security Institute Established at Idaho National Laboratory to Improve 5G Technology"

5G is the next generation of wireless technology that is expected to bring improvements in regard to bandwidth, capacity, and reliability. However, the arrival of 5G networks is also expected to introduce new security vulnerabilities. As the implementation of 5G technology continues to increase, data protection technologies and 5G security protocols need to be developed and validated. Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has established the INL Wireless Security Institute to lead research conducted by government, academia, and private industry aimed at making 5G wireless technology more secure and reliable. The INL Wireless Security Institute will work with public and private leaders in the wireless communication field to prioritize security tasks and increase efforts to improve security. This article continues to discuss what it is expected of 5G wireless technology and how the INL Wireless Security Institute will support efforts towards improving this technology. 

INL reports "Wireless Security Institute Established at Idaho National Laboratory to Improve 5G Technology"

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