"World's Fastest Open-Source Intrusion Detection Is Here"

Researchers in Carnegie Mellon University's CyLab have developed the fastest open-source intrusion detection system. The system achieves speeds of 100 gigabits per second using a single server with five processor cores. The success behind the performance of the CMU team's intrusion detection system is attributed to a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), which is a flexibly programmable integrated circuit. CMU researchers programmed the FPGA specifically for intrusion detection and wrote significantly fast algorithms that cannot run on traditional processors. The FPGA processes an average of 95 percent of data packets by itself when placed in the network, while the central processing units take on the other five percent when the FPGA becomes overwhelmed. As a result, the intrusion detection system saves more energy as it uses 38 times less power by using an FPGA than 100-700 processor cores would to perform the same tasks. This article continues to discuss the development, efficiency, and availability of the CMU team's intrusion detection system. 

CyLab reports "World's Fastest Open-Source Intrusion Detection Is Here"




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