“‘World’s Most Secure’ Email Service Is Easily Hackable”

Nomx is a startup company that claims to provide the most secure email service by offering a device, which could be used to set up a personal email server, avoiding connection with the naturally “vulnerable” mail exchange.  Scott Helme, a security researcher, decided to challenge the claims of ensured security from Nomx by examining the device’s true structure and process. Helme discovered numerous vulnerabilities within the software, which would allow anyone to hijack the device remotely if the user were to be tricked into visiting a malicious site. This malicious act is known as cross-site request forgery (CSRF). This article further discusses the vulnerabilities of Nomx’s device, as well as the response of Will Donaldson, the CEO of Nomx, in regards to these flaws.

Motherboard reports  “‘World’s Most Secure’ Email Service Is Easily Hackable”

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