"Zoom: Every Security Issue Uncovered in the Video Chat App"

Social distancing orders to help fight the COVID-19 outbreak has forced millions of people to work from home, causing a significant surge in the use of the video-conferencing platform Zoom. The increased use of this platform has drawn further attention to Zoom's privacy risks and security practices. CNET has provided a timeline that highlights the privacy and security issues surrounding the Zoom platform. An investigation conducted by Motherboard revealed that Zoom's iOS app was sending user data to Facebook. Users have reported incidents of Zoombombings in which hackers hijack meetings and display inappropriate content. Security researchers discovered flaws in Zoom that could be exploited by hackers to take over a user's microphone or webcam, allow users' email addresses to be leaked to strangers, and more. It was also discovered that cybercriminals are sharing links to a collection of compromised Zoom accounts, containing email addresses, passwords, meeting IDs, names, and other personal information. This article continues to discuss the increased use of Zoom, the platform's privacy and security problems that have recently emerged, and actions that have been taken to address these problems. 

CNET reports "Zoom: Every Security Issue Uncovered in the Video Chat App"

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