Karen Uttecht is a member of Technical Staff at MIT Lincoln Laboratory in the Cyber Operations and Research Technology Group. For the last five years, one of her passions has been helping government solve the hard challenges in Zero Trust. Some topics she has lead government research projects on include ZT assessment and metrics, applying ZT to weapon systems, and orchestration of trust and policy. She helped create the DoD Zero Trust Symposium, now in its second year and has developed and taught a short course on Zero Trust for several years at the MIT LL Cyber Technology for National Security conference.

Tim Morrow is the situational awareness technical manager in the SEI CERT Division’s Monitoring and Response Directorate. Morrow applies architecture-centric approaches to systems-of-systems to analyze and identify potential risks to improve their cybersecurity. Morrow’s past experience includes providing acquisition and technical support for the complete lifecycle of DoD and non-DoD programs.

Dr. Selcuk Uluagac is currently an Eminent Scholar Chaired Professor in the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Science at Florida International University, leading the Cyber-Physical Systems Security Lab with an additional courtesy appointment in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. Before, he was a Senior Researcher at Georgia Tech and Symantec. He holds a PhD from Georgia Tech and MS from Carnegie Mellon University in cybersecurity. He is an expert in the areas of cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on their practical aspects (focusing on systems security topics, malware, ransomware, forensics, IoT, CPS, smart systems) and teaches classes in these areas. He has hundreds of papers/studies/publications in the most reputable venues such as NDSS, USENIX Security, IEEE TIFS. He received US National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award (2015), US Air Force Office of Sponsored Research’s Summer Faculty Fellowship (2015), University of Padova (Italy)’s Faculty Fellowship (2016), Google’s ASPIRE Research award in security and privacy (2021), Faculty Fellowship from the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy (2022), FIU Provost Office Top Scholar Award in Established Faculty with Significant Grants (STEM Category), (2023), FIU Provost Office Top Scholar Award in Faculty with Notable Gains in Student Learning and Success (Sciences Category) (2021), FIU College of Engineering and Computing Faculty Award in Excellence in Research and Creative Activities (2021), FIU Eminent Scholar Chaired Associate Professor in the College of Engineering and Computing (2020), among others. His research has been funded by numerous government agencies and industry, e.g., NSF, Dept. of Energy, Air Force Research Lab, Dept. of Labor, Cyber Florida, Google, Microsoft, Trend Micro, and Cisco, inter alia. He is very entrepreneurial and visionary with his research. Many of his research ideas have resulted in patents (10+). He is chairing/serving on the of top-tier security conferences, e.g., NDSS, USENIX Security, ACM CCS, IEEE SP. In 2023, he was the TPC Chair of Security and ML Track of ACM CCS 2023 and was the General Chair of ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM WiSec) in 2019. In 2018, he co-chaired the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)’s National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Annual Expo and Conference. In 2022, he was the TPC Co-Chair of IEEE CNS Conference. He currently serves as the deputy editor in-chief of IEEE TIFS and associate editors of IEEE TMC and Elsevier COMNET journals.
Ms. Shelly Kelly currently serves as the Chief Operations Officer (COO), Critical Government Systems charged with determining priorities, ensuring coordination, and providing actionable guidance on Zero Trust implementation to the Department of Defense (DoD) and National Security Systems (NSS). Ms. Kelly leverages over 20 years of diverse leadership and technical experience both in industry and at the National Security Agency.
Ms. Kelly is currently pursuing a Doctor of Science in Cybersecurity with a focus on Zero Trust implementation in a Multi-Cloud environment at Capital Technology University. She holds a MS in Information Technology and a BS in Cybersecurity.
A native of Maryland, in her spare time, Ms. Kelly enjoys spending time with her husband, Mike and their two daughters, Sarah and Rachel as well as gardening, and adventuring with her Doberman (Xena). She is a staunch advocate for the next generation of cyber leaders through mentoring and volunteering including coaching Robotics teams at multiple middle schools since 2018.