HCSS 2014 - Draft Program Agenda

The HCSS Conference will commence at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 6 and conclude at noon on Friday, May 9. The full agenda will be availabe shortly.

As in previous years, the Software Certification Consortium Meeting will be co-located with HCSS. You may view the SCCM program agenda at http://cps-vo.org/group/scc/agenda/13.

Tuesday, May 6: Requirements and Specifications

Keynote Speaker: Travis Breaux, Carnegie Mellon University

Travis D. Breaux is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science, appointed in the Institute for Software Research of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Breaux's research program searches for new methods and tools for developing correct software specifications and ensuring that software systems conform to those specifications in a transparent, reliable and trustworthy manner. This includes demonstrating compliance with U.S. and international accessibility, privacy and security laws, policies and standards. Dr. Breaux is the Director of the Requirements Engineering Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Breaux has several publications in ACM and IEEE-sponsored journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Breaux is a member of the ACM SIGSOFT, IEEE Computer Society and USACM Public Policy Committee.

Jim Alves-Foss
Hardware-Based Tagging: Building in Security from the Ground Up

Roderick Chapman, Altran UK
Going Large with Formal Methods on iFACTS

David Hardin, Rockwell Collins
High-Performance Regular Expression Processing for Cross-Domain Systems with High Assurance Requirements

Warren Hunt, The University of Texas at Austin
Formalization of x86 Machine-Code Programs with System Calls

Eric Koskinen, NYU
Local Temporal Reasoning

Yannick Moy, AdaCore
SPARK 2014: Formal Program Verification For All

Benjamin Pierce, University of Pennsylvania
Programmable Hardware Support for Ubiquitous Micro-Policy Enforcement

Douglas Smith, Kestrel Institute
Generating Proof-Carrying Code for the UDP protocol

Aditya Thakur, University of Wisconsin
Through the Lens of Abstraction

Wednesday, May 7: Mobile

Rogan Creswick, Galois, Inc.
Multi-App Security Analysis: Looking for Android App Collusion

Abhishek Dubey, Vanderbilt University
An Information Architecture Platform for Mobile, Secure, and Resilient Distributed Systems

Tao Xie, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Text Analytics for Mobile App Security and Beyond

Thursday, May 8: Reasoning About Control

Keynote Speaker: Geoffrey Ling, DARPA

Geoffrey S. F. Ling, M.D., Ph.D., is a medical doctor who retired from the United States Army as a Colonel, and is currently the Deputy Director for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). He is considered to be the "US Army's premier subject matter expert on traumatic brain injury (TBI)", and was for years the only neuro-intensive care specialist in the US military.

Prominent in his research portfolio are neuroscience, specifically, Preventing Violent Explosive Neuro Trauma (PREVENT), the prevention of traumatic brain injury, and development of responsive, brain-controlled, artificial arms. He also serves as the Deputy Director of the Defense Sciences Office. Ling is a recipient of the Humanitarian Award from the Brain Mapping Foundation.

Xenofon Koutsoukos, Vanderbilt University

Miroslav Pajic, University of Pennsylvania
Design and Implementation of Attack--Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems

Andre Platzer, Carnegie Mellon University

Huan Xu, University of Maryland
An Aircraft Electric Power System Domain-Specific Language for Reactive Control Protocols

Friday, May 9: Designed-In Security Symposium

Program details forthcoming.

Poster Session Presenters