Interdisciplinary SoS Activities

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  • Carnegie Mellon University CyLab is a multidisciplinary effort involving faculty and graduate students from more than six different CMU departments and schools. It initiates partnerships between the public and private sectors to develop new technologies for measurable, secure, available, trustworthy, and sustainable computing and communications systems. CyLab has identified seven areas of research and development that cover a range of technologies, systems and users. Its projects fall under one or more research areas, and are designed to create cross-functional and multi-disciplinary solutions by leveraging skills from faculty across the university. In addition to technical capabilities, skills may include such areas as policy development, risk management or modeling. The goal of CyLab projects is to develop a new generation of technologies that will lead to measurable, available, secure, trustworthy, and sustainable computing and communications systems while concurrently developing management and policy tools that enable successful exploitation of the new technologies. For an example of a project that spans several disciplines, see (ID#:14-1017)
  • Boston University’s Center for Reliable Information Systems and Cyber Security (RISCS) was established to promote and coordinate research and education in system reliability and information security by emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach. In addition to such technical disciplines as reliable and secure computations and engineering, other fields include economics, ethics, and law. The Center involves faculty and graduate students from the Colleges of Arts and Sciences and Engineering, the School of Management, and Metropolitan College. The Center is focusing its research on cryptology, network and software security, software safety, economic and game-theoretic approaches to Internet computing, data base security, robust monitoring, fair and secure file sharing, among others. One research project, “New Directions in Cryptography” is seeking to develop new algorithmic and analytical techniques to address the fact that there are no longer traditional boundaries between the attacker and the “private internals” of the cryptographic algorithm under attack. For details on this and other RISCS projects, see  (ID#:14-1018)



Articles listed on these pages have been found on publicly available internet pages and are cited with links to those pages. Some of the information included herein has been reprinted with permission from the authors or data repositories. Direct any requests via Email to SoS.Project (at) for removal of the links or modifications to specific citations. Please include the ID# of the specific citation in your correspondence.