Computer Science

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This set of citations covers a broad range of articles about research conducted across a wide range of computer science security topics from 2013. These include human factors, software development, trust mechanisms, cloud computing, and more.

  • “Expectation-Oriented Framework for Automating Approximate Programming”, Esmaeilzadeh, H., Ni, K., Naik,M., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013 This paper discusses ExpAX, the concept of automated, approximate programming based on error expectations as detailed by the programmer. ExpAX falls under the domain of general-purpose approximate computing, which explores the necessary concession of absolute computational accuracy in order to advance energy efficiency and performance. (ID#:14-1067 See:
  • “Approximating the AND-OR tree”  A. A. Sherstov,  Theory of Computing, 9(20):653–663, 2013. This article explores the role representations of Boolean functions by real polynomials have played in theoretical computer science. The main result of this paper, according to the author, translates  into lower bounds on communication complexity. (ID#:14-1068) Available at:
  • “Candidate Indistinguishability Obfuscation and Functional Encryption for all circuits”. Sanjam Garg, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Mariana Raykova, Amit Sahai, Brent Waters.   July 21, 2013. This study examines indistinguishability obfuscation and functional encryption for general circuits and give constructions that support all polynomial-size circuits. They further how to use indistinguishability obfuscation for circuits, public-key encryption,and non-interactive zero knowledge to achieve functional encryption for all circuits. The functional encryption scheme they construct includes succinct ciphertexts, which enable several other applications. (ID#:14-1069) Available at:
  • “How to Use Indistinguishability Obfuscation:  Deniable Encryption, and More”, Amit Sahai and Brent Waters. n.p. 2013.  This paper details a novel cryptographic obfuscation approach referred to as “punctured programs”, with a view to resolve challenges in Deniable Encryption. Deniable Encryption is a technique by which false, yet plausible, plaintext is generated from the decryption of encrypted text, enabling the sender to purposely misinform those who seek to decrypt confidential information. This implementation of indistinguishability obfuscation uses two algorithms concurrently, programs called Encrypt and Explain, respectively. (ID#:14-1070) Available at:
  •  “Abstract Acceleration of General Linear Loops” Peter Schrammel, Bertrand Jeannet and Sriram Sankaranarayanan. ACM SIGPLAN Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), 2014. To Appear. (ID#:14-1071)
  • “Regular Real Analysis”, Swarat Chaudhuri, Sriram Sankaranarayanan, and Moshe Vardi.   ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science. 2013. This study is about the analysis of real functions that can be encoded by automata on infinite words. It is known that !-automata can be used to represent relations between real vectors, reals being represented in exact precision as infinite streams. The regular functions studied here constitute the functional subset of such relations.  The authors present an automata-theoretic technique for reasoning about limit behaviors of regular functions, and a decision procedure to verify the continuity of a regular function. (ID#:14-1072)  Available at:
  • "Scrum + Engineering Practices: Experiences of Three Microsoft Teams”, Williams, L., Brown, G., Meltzer, A., Nagappan, N , International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) 2011, Banff, Canada, to appear. IEEE Software Best Experience Paper Award.  This article should be of interest to software developers concerned about quality control when using Scrum. Scrum works as a project management tool for agile development.  But it has been criticized for its short term focus without the checks and balances of sound engineering processes.  This analysis identifies and tests nine engineering practices which, when used, enhance the quality and security of software development managed using scrum.  (ID#:14-1073) Available at: 
  • “Generating request streams on Big Data using clustered renewal processes”, Cristina L. Abada, Mindi Yuana, Chris X. Cai a, Yi Lua, Nathan Roberts , Roy H. Campbell, August 2013.  This article discusses Big Data trace characteristics, especially the challenges in evaluating large-scale systems on an individual object basis. The article introduces a trace generator model, with capabilities for testing projected workloads and hypothetical cases, focused on the characteristics of popularity and temporal locality in object requests, such as files or Web documents. The authors discuss the importance of dynamic models that can support object distinction, in order to accurately determine the behavior of individual objects, and scalability, to support analysis of various workload sizes as opposed to standard workload sizes. (ID#:14-1074)
  • ”Juggle: addressing extrinsic load imbalances in SPMD applications on multicore computers”. Steven A. Hofmeyr, Juan A. Colmenares, Costin Iancu, John Kubiatowicz, Appears in Cluster Computing. Vol. 16, No. 2, pp 299-319, June 2013. This study investigates proactive dynamic load balancing on multicore systems, in which threads are continually migrated to reduce the impact of processor/thread mismatches.  (ID#:14-1075)  Available at:
  • “A Multicore Operating System with QoS Guarantees for Network Audio Applications”. Juan A. Colmenares, Nils Peters, Gage Eads, Ian Saxton, Israel Jacquez, John D. Kubiatowicz, and David Wessel. Appears in Journal of Audio Engineering, Vol 61, No. 4, April 2013.   The authors explore the role of the operating system (OS) within computer nodes of network audio systems.   They highlight the importance of the OS for network audio applications and  present Tessellation, an experimental OS tailored to multicore processors.  The article may be of interest in signal processing.  (ID#:14-1076) Available at:
  • “A Case Study on the Lightweight Verification of a Multi-Threaded Task Server” N´estor Cata˜no,_, Ijaz Ahmed, Radu I. Siminiceanu, Jonathan Aldrich,. Preprint submitted to Science of Computer Programming December 1, 2013. This article should be of interest in massive parallelizing of computational tasks.  The authors developed a methodology and tool for verifying the design of a commercial multi-threaded task server (MTTS).  Their method uses a Data Flow Analysis in the first phase.  In a second phase, they developed a Pulse tool that enhances the analysis they performed.  They conclude exhaustive model-checking approach scales reasonably well and is efficient at finding errors in specifications that were not previously detected with the Data Flow Analysis (DFA) alone. (ID#:14-1077)  See  


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