Call for Papers
The practice of “science” is an approach to knowledge discovery in which predictions can be validated though logic or repeatable empirical experiments. Viewed this way, “Science of Security” encompasses research in cyber-security that emphasizes the means of gaining confidence in its results.
Science of Security emphasizes the methodology of research in cyber-security as much as the results of that research. Science of Security is broad in its application, including development of mathematical models about which properties can be proven and/or predictions made, as well as empirical research that poses hypotheses that are tested by measurement and analysis.
The 2nd Annual Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS) follows in the footsteps of HotSoS 2014 by soliciting contributions that either develop scientific methodologies for conducting cyber-security research, or show by example how such methodologies are used on specific research problems.
We anticipate some support for student travel, particularly student authors.
HotSoS 2015 welcomes papers that clearly highlight contributions to Science of Security, on any topical area of cyber-security. Papers that address issues within the NSA SoS Lablets’ “Five Hard Problems” are of particular interest
• Scalability and Composability
• Policy
• Security Metrics
• Resiliency
• Human Behavior
Please forward any questions about topics or submission instructions to the HotSoS 2015 Chair, David Nicol, at
Submissions: January 22, 2015
Decisions: February 20, 2015
Poster Abstracts: March 1, 2015 (submit to
Final Versions: March 9, 2015
Conference: April 21-22, 2015
Submissions must be made by the deadline of Friday, January 16, 2015 (midnight Central Standard Time) through Easy Chair: The papers will be evaluted using a double-blind review.
The suggested paper length is between 6-12 pages total in double-column ACM format: Only PDF files will be accepted. Papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Access the 2015 Call for Papers in a downloadable format here.