Analogical Transfer

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Analogical transfer is a psychology theory concerned with overcoming fixed ways of viewing particular problems or objects. In security, this problem is manifested by system developers and administrators overlooking critical security requirements due to lack of tools and techniques that allow them to tailor security knowledge to their particular context. The three works cited here use analogy and simulations to achieve break-through thinking. The first paper was presented at HOT SoS 2014, the Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS), a research event centered on the Science of Security held April 8-9, 2014 in Raleigh, North Carolina

  • Ashwini Rao, Hanan Hibshi, Travis Breaux, Jean-Michel Lehker, Jianwei Niu. “Less is More? Investigating the Role of Examples in Security Studies using Analogical Transfer” HOT SoS 2014.  (ID#:14-1359) Available at:  To explore the impact of new security methods, experts must improve our ability to study the impact of security tools and methods on software and system development. This paper presents initial results of an experiment to assess the extent to which the number and type of examples used in security training stimuli can impact security problem solving.  Keywords:  Security; Human Factors; Psychology; Analogical Transfer
  • Robert Ganian; Petr Hliněný , Jan Obdržálek  “Better Algorithms for Satisfiability Problems for Formulas of Bounded Rank-width” Fundamenta Informaticae - MFCS & CSL 2010 Satellite Workshops: Selected Papers  archive Volume 123 Issue 1, January 2013. (Pages 59-76) IOS Press Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands.  (ID#:14-1360) Available at:  or We provide a parameterized algorithm for the propositional model counting problem #SAT, the runtime of which has a single-exponential dependency on the rank-width of the signed graph of a formula. That is, our algorithm runs in time $\cal{O}t^3 \cdot 2^{3tt+1/2} \cdot \vert\phi\vert$ for a width-t rank-decomposition of the input φ, and can be of practical interest for small values of rank-width. Previously, analogical algorithms have been known --e.g. [Fischer, Makowsky, and Ravve] --with a single-exponential dependency on the clique-width k of the signed graph of a formula with a given k-expression. Our algorithm presents an exponential runtime improvement over the worst-case scenario of the previous one, since clique-width reaches up to exponentially higher values than rank width. We also provide an algorithm for the MAX-SAT problem along the same lines.
  •  August Betzler, Carles Gomez, Ilker Demirkol  Josep Paradells.  “Congestion control in reliable CoAP communication”  MSWiM '13 Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Modeling, analysis & simulation of wireless and mobile systems. November 2013. (Pages 365-372).  (ID#:14-1361) Available at: The development of IPv6 stacks for wireless constrained devices that have limited hardware resources has paved the way for many new areas of applications and protocols. The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) has been designed by the IETF to enable the manipulation of resources for constrained devices that are capable of connecting to the Internet. Due to the limited radio channel capacities and hardware resources, congestion is a common phenomenon in networks of constrained devices. CoAP implements a basic congestion control mechanism for the transmission of reliable messages. Alternative CoAP congestion control approaches are a recent topic of interest in the IETF CoRE Working Group. New Internet-Drafts discuss the limitations of the default congestion control mechanisms and propose alternative ones, yet, there have been no studies in the literature that compare the original approach to the alternative ones. In this paper, we target this crucial study and perform evaluations that show how the default and alternative congestion control mechanisms compare to each other. We use the Cooja simulation environment, which is part of the Contiki development toolset, to simulate CoAP within a complete protocol stack that uses IETF protocols for constrained networks. Through simulations of different network topologies and varying traffic loads, we demonstrate how the advanced mechanisms proposed in the drafts perform relative to the basic congestion control mechanism. Keywords:  Applications (SMTP, FTP, etc.) Protocol architecture (OSI model)


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