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Digital steganography is one of the primary areas or science of security research. Detection and countermeasures are the topics pursued. The articles cited here were presented between January ad August of 2014. They cover a range of topics, including Least Significant Bit (LSB), LDPC codes, combinations with DES encryption, and Hamming code.

  • Akhtar, N.; Khan, S.; Johri, P., "An Improved Inverted LSB Image Steganography," Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT), 2014 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.749,755, 7-8 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICICICT.2014.6781374 In this paper, an improvement in the plain LSB based image steganography is proposed and implemented. The paper proposes the use of bit inversion technique to improve the stego-image quality. Two schemes of the bit inversion techniques are proposed and implemented. In these techniques, LSBs of some pixels of cover image are inverted if they occur with a particular pattern of some bits of the pixels. In this way, less number of pixels is modified in comparison to plain LSB method. So PSNR of stego-image is improved. For correct de-steganography, the bit patterns for which LSBs has inverted needs to be stored within the stego-image somewhere. The proposed bit inversion technique provides good improvement to LSB steganography. This technique could be combined with other methods to improve the steganography further. Keywords: image processing; steganography; PSNR; bit inversion technique; bit patterns; cover image pixels; de-steganography ;inverted LSB image steganography; least significant bit; plain LSB-based image steganography; steganography quality improvement; stego-image; Clocks; Cryptography; Laser transitions; PSNR; PSNR; bit inversion; least significant bit; quality; steganography (ID#:14-2476) URL:
  • Islam, M.R.; Siddiqa, A; Uddin, M.P.; Mandal, AK.; Hossain, M.D., "An Efficient Filtering Based Approach Improving LSB Image Steganography Using Status Bit Along With AES Cryptography," Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), 2014 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,6, 23-24 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICIEV.2014.6850714 In Steganography, the total message will be invisible into a cover media such as text, audio, video, and image in which attackers don't have any idea about the original message that the media contain and which algorithm use to embed or extract it. In this paper, the proposed technique has focused on Bitmap image as it is uncompressed and convenient than any other image format to implement LSB Steganography method. For better security AES cryptography technique has also been used in the proposed method. Before applying the Steganography technique, AES cryptography will change the secret message into cipher text to ensure two layer security of the message. In the proposed technique, a new Steganography technique is being developed to hide large data in Bitmap image using filtering based algorithm, which uses MSB bits for filtering purpose. This method uses the concept of status checking for insertion and retrieval of message. This method is an improvement of Least Significant Bit (LSB) method for hiding information in images. It is being predicted that the proposed method will able to hide large data in a single image retaining the advantages and discarding the disadvantages of the traditional LSB method. Various sizes of data are stored inside the images and the PSNR are also calculated for each of the images tested. Based on the PSNR value, the Stego image has higher PSNR value as compared to other method. Hence the proposed Steganography technique is very efficient to hide the secret information inside an image. Keywords: cryptography; filtering theory; image processing; image retrieval; steganography; AES cryptography technique; Bitmap image; LSB image steganography; PSNR value; bitmap image; cover media; efficient filtering image format least significant bit method; message retrieval; secret message; steganography technique; Ciphers; Encryption; Histograms; Image color analysis; PSNR; AES Cryptography; Conceal of Message; Filtering Algorithm; Image Steganography; LSB Image Steganography (ID#:14-2477) URL:
  • Yang Ren-er; Zheng Zhiwei; Tao Shun; Ding Shilei, "Image Steganography Combined with DES Encryption Pre-processing," Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA), 2014 Sixth International Conference on , vol., no., pp.323,326, 10-11 Jan. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICMTMA.2014.80 In order to improve the security of steganography, this paper studied image steganography combined with pre-processing of DES encryption. When transmitting the secret information, firstly, encrypt the information intended to hide by DES encryption is encrypted, and then is written in the image through the LSB steganography. Encryption algorithm improves the lowest matching performance between the image and the secret information by changing the statistical characteristics of the secret information to enhance the anti-detection of the image steganography. The experimental results showed that the anti-detection robustness of image steganography combined with pre-processing of DES encryption is found much better than the way using LSB steganography algorithms directly. Keywords: cryptography ;image matching; steganography; DES encryption preprocessing; LSB steganography; image matching performance; image steganography; least significant bit; secret information; statistical characteristics; Algorithm design and analysis; Encryption; Histograms; Media; Probability distribution; DES encryption; High security; Information hiding; Steganography (ID#:14-2478) URL:
  • Singla, D.; Juneja, M., "An Analysis Of Edge Based Image Steganography Techniques In Spatial Domain," Engineering and Computational Sciences (RAECS), 2014 Recent Advances in , vol., no., pp.1,5, 6-8 March 2014. doi: 10.1109/RAECS.2014.6799604 Steganography is a branch of information security. Steganography aims at hiding the existence of the actual communication. This aim is achieved by hiding the actual information into other information in such a way that intruder cannot detect it. A variety of carrier file formats can be used to carry out steganography e.g. images, text, videos, audio, radio waves etc. But mainly images are used for this purpose because of their high frequency on internet. Number of image steganography techniques has been introduced having some drawbacks and advantages. These techniques are evaluated on the basis of three parameters imperceptibility, robustness and capacity. In this paper we will review various edge based image steganography techniques. Main idea behind these techniques is that edges can bear more variation than smooth areas without being detected. Keywords: image coding; steganography; Internet; carrier file formats; edge based image steganography techniques; information security; smooth areas; spatial domain; Algorithm design and analysis; Cryptography Detectors; Image edge detection ;PSNR; Robustness; LSB substitution; Pixel Value Differencing steganography; edge based image steganography; peak signal to noise ratio ;random edge pixel embedding (ID#:14-2478) URL:
  • Kaur, S.; Bansal, S.; Bansal, R.K., "Steganography and Classification Of Image Steganography Techniques," Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2014 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.870,875, 5-7 March 2014. doi: 10.1109/IndiaCom.2014.6828087 Information is wealth of any organization and in present era in which information transferred through digital media and internet, it became a top priority for any organizations to protect this wealth. Whatever technique we adopt for the security purpose, the degree and level of security always remains top concern. Steganography is one such technique in which presence of secret message cannot be detected and we can use it as a tool for security purpose to transmit the confidential information in a secure way. It is an ongoing research area having vast number of applications in distinct fields such as defense and intelligence, medical, on-line banking, on-line transaction, to stop music piracy and other financial and commercial purposes. There are various steganography approaches exist and they differs depending upon message to be embedded, use of file type as carrier or compression method used etc. The focus of this paper is to classify distinct image steganography techniques besides giving overview, importance and challenges of steganography techniques. Other related security techniques are also been discussed in brief in this paper. The classification of steganography techniques may provide not only understanding and guidelines to researchers in this field but also provide directions for future work in this field. Keywords: Internet; image classification; image coding; steganography ;Internet; confidential information transmission; digital media; image steganography technique classification; music piracy; online banking; online transaction; secret message; security purpose; Algorithm design and analysis; Discrete cosine transforms; Frequency-domain analysis; Image coding; Robustness; Security; Confidential; Cover Object ;Data Security; Steganalysis etc; Steganography; Stego Object; information (ID#:14-2479) URL:
  • Bugár, G.; Bánoci, V.; Broda, M.; Levický, D.; Dupák, D., "Data Hiding In Still Images Based On Blind Algorithm Of Steganography," Radioelektronika (RADIOELEKTRONIKA), 2014 24th International Conference , vol., no., pp.1,4, 15-16 April 2014. doi: 10.1109/Radioelek.2014.6828423 Steganography is the science of hiding secret information in another unsuspicious data. Generally, a steganographic secret message could be a widely useful multimedia: as a picture, an audio file, a video file or a message in clear text - the covertext. The most recent steganography techniques tend to hide a secret message in digital images. We propose and analyze experimentally a blind steganography method based on specific attributes of two dimensional discrete wavelet transform set by Haar mother wavelet. The blind steganography methods do not require an original image in the process of extraction what helps to keep a secret communication undetected to third party user or steganalysis tools. The secret message is encoded by Huffman code in order to achieve a better imperceptibility result. Moreover, this modification also increases the security of the hidden communication. Keywords: Huffman codes; discrete wavelet transforms; image coding; steganography; Haar mother wavelet; Huffman code; blind algorithm; blind steganography method; covertext; data hiding; digital images; hidden communication security; multimedia; secret communication; secret information hiding; steganalysis tool; steganographic secret message; steganography techniques; still images; third party user; two dimensional discrete wavelet transform; unsuspicious data; Decoding; Discrete wavelet transforms; Huffman coding; Image coding; Pixel; DWT; message hiding; steganography (ID#:14-2480) URL:
  • Devi, M.; Sharma, N., "Improved Detection Of Least Significant Bit Steganography Algorithms In Color And Gray Scale Images," Engineering and Computational Sciences (RAECS), 2014 Recent Advances in , vol., no., pp.1,5, 6-8 March 2014. doi: 10.1109/RAECS.2014.6799507 This paper proposes an improved LSB (least Significant bit) based Steganography technique for images imparting better information security for hiding secret information in images. There is a large variety of steganography techniques some are more complex than others and all of them have respective strong and weak points. It ensures that the eavesdroppers will not have any suspicion that message bits are hidden in the image and standard steganography detection methods can not estimate the length of the secret message correctly. In this paper we present improved steganalysis methods, based on the most reliable detectors of thinly-spread LSB steganography presently known, focusing on the case when grayscale Bitmaps are used as cover images. Keywords: image coding; image colour analysis; security of data; steganography; color scale images; gray scale images; grayscale bitmaps; information security; least significant bit steganography algorithm detection; secret information hiding; steganalysis methods; steganography detection methods; Conferences; Gray-scale; Image coding; Image color analysis; Image edge detection; PSNR; Security; Gray Images; LSB; RGB; Steganalysis; Steganography (ID#:14-2481) URL:
  • Mstafa, R.J.; Elleithy, K.M., "A Highly Secure Video Steganography Using Hamming Code (7, 4)," Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT), 2014 IEEE Long Island, pp.1,6, 2-2 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/LISAT.2014.6845191 Due to the high speed of internet and advances in technology, people are becoming more worried about information being hacked by attackers. Recently, many algorithms of steganography and data hiding have been proposed. Steganography is a process of embedding the secret information inside the host medium (text, audio, image and video). Concurrently, many of the powerful steganographic analysis software programs have been provided to unauthorized users to retrieve the valuable secret information that was embedded in the carrier files. Some steganography algorithms can be easily detected by steganalytical detectors because of the lack of security and embedding efficiency. In this paper, we propose a secure video steganography algorithm based on the principle of linear block code. Nine uncompressed video sequences are used as cover data and a binary image logo as a secret message. The pixels' positions of both cover videos and a secret message are randomly reordered by using a private key to improve the system's security. Then the secret message is encoded by applying Hamming code (7, 4) before the embedding process to make the message even more secure. The result of the encoded message will be added to random generated values by using XOR function. After these steps that make the message secure enough, it will be ready to be embedded into the cover video frames. In addition, the embedding area in each frame is randomly selected and it will be different from other frames to improve the steganography scheme's robustness. Furthermore, the algorithm has high embedding efficiency as demonstrated by the experimental results that we have obtained. Regarding the system's quality, the Pick Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) of stego videos are above 51 dB, which is close to the original video quality. The embedding payload is also acceptable, where in each video frame we can embed 16 Kbits and it can go up to 90 Kbits without noticeable degrading of the stego video's quality. Keywords: block codes; image sequences; private key cryptography ;steganography;video coding; Hamming code (7, 4);XOR function; binary image logo; cover data; data hiding; high secure video steganography algorithm; linear block code; private key; secret information; steganalytical detectors; steganographic analysis software programs; uncompressed video sequences; Algorithm design and analysis; Block codes ;Image color analysis; PSNR; Security; Streaming media; Vectors; Embedding Efficiency; Embedding Payload; Hamming Code; Linear Block Code; Security; Video Steganography (ID#:14-2482) URL:
  • Diop, I; Farss, S.M.; Tall, K.; Fall, P.A; Diouf, M.L.; Diop, AK., "Adaptive Steganography Scheme Based On LDPC Codes," Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.162,166, 16-19 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ICACT.2014.6778941 Steganography is the art of secret communication. Since the advent of modern steganography, in the 2000s, many approaches based on the error correcting codes (Hamming, BCH, RS, STC ...) have been proposed to reduce the number of changes of the cover medium while inserting the maximum bits. The works of LDiop and al [1], inspired by those of T. Filler [2] have shown that the LDPC codes are good candidates in minimizing the impact of insertion. This work is a continuation of the use of LDPC codes in steganography. We propose in this paper a steganography scheme based on these codes inspired by the adaptive approach to the calculation of the map detectability. We evaluated the performance of our method by applying an algorithm for steganalysis. Keywords: parity check codes ;steganography; LDPC codes; adaptive steganography scheme; error correcting codes; map detectability; secret communication; steganalysis; Complexity theory; Distortion measurement; Educational institutions; Histograms; PSNR; Parity check codes; Vectors; Adaptive steganography; complexity; detectability; steganalysis (ID#:14-2483) URL:
  • Bansal, D.; Chhikara, R., "Performance Evaluation of Steganography Tools Using SVM and NPR Tool," Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies (ACCT), 2014 Fourth International Conference on , vol., no., pp.483,487, 8-9 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ACCT.2014.17 Steganography is the art of hiding the secret messages in an innocent medium like images, audio, video, text, etc. such that the existence of any secret message is not revealed. There are various Steganography tools available. In this paper, we are considering three algorithms - nsF5, PQ,Outguess. To compare the robustness and to withstand the steganalytic attack of the above three algorithms, an algorithm based on sensitive features is presented. SVM and Neural Network Pattern Recognition Tool is used on sensitive features extracted from DCT domain. A comparison between the accuracy obtained from SVM and NPR is also shown. Experimental results show that the Outguess method can withstand steganalytic attack by a margin of 35% accuracy as compared to nsF5 and PQ, hence Outguess is more reliable for Steganography. Keywords: data compression; discrete cosine transforms; feature extraction; image coding; neural nets; performance evaluation; steganography; support vector machines; DCT domain; JPEG feature set; NPR tool; Outguess algorithm; PQ algorithm; SVM tool; discrete cosine transform; neural network pattern recognition tool;nsF5 algorithm performance evaluation; secret message hiding; sensitive feature extraction; steganalytic attack; steganography tools; support vector machine; Accuracy; Discrete cosine transforms; Feature extraction; Histograms; Pattern recognition; Support vector machines; Training; Discrete Cosine Transform; Neural Network Pattern Recognition; Outguess; PQ; SVM; Steganography; nsF5 (ID#:14-2484) URL:
  • Bin Li; Shunquan Tan; Ming Wang; Jiwu Huang, "Investigation on Cost Assignment in Spatial Image Steganography," Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on , vol.9, no.8, pp.1264,1277, Aug. 2014. doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2014.2326954 Relating the embedding cost in a distortion function to statistical detectability is an open vital problem in modern steganography. In this paper, we take one step forward by formulating the process of cost assignment into two phases: 1) determining a priority profile and 2) specifying a cost-value distribution. We analytically show that the cost-value distribution determines the change rate of cover elements. Furthermore, when the cost-values are specified to follow a uniform distribution, the change rate has a linear relation with the payload, which is a rare property for content-adaptive steganography. In addition, we propose some rules for ranking the priority profile for spatial images. Following such rules, we propose a five-step cost assignment scheme. Previous steganographic schemes, such as HUGO, WOW, S-UNIWARD, and MG, can be integrated into our scheme. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme is capable of better resisting steganalysis equipped with high-dimensional rich model features. Keywords: image coding; steganography; content-adaptive steganography; cost assignment investigation; cost-value distribution; distortion function; five-step cost assignment scheme; high-dimensional rich model features; spatial image steganography; spatial images; statistical detectability; Additives ;Educational institutions; Encoding; Feature extraction; Payloads; Security; Vectors; Cost-value distribution; distortion function; priority profile; steganalysis; steganography (ID#:14-2485) URL:
  • Banerjee, I; Bhattacharyya, S.; Sanyal, G., "Robust Image Steganography With Pixel Factor Mapping (PFM) Technique," Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2014 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.692,698, 5-7 March 2014. doi: 10.1109/IndiaCom.2014.6828050 Our routine life is carrying an essential dependability on Internet Technologies and their expertise's in various activities. It has advantages and disadvantages. Technology requires information hiding expertise for maintaining the secrecy of the information. Steganography is one of the fashionable information hiding technique. Extensive competence of attempt has been agreed in this land by different researchers. In this contribution, a frequency domain image Steganography method using DCT coefficient has been proposed which has been design based on prime factor mapping technique. Keywords: Internet; discrete cosine transforms; image processing; steganography; DCT coefficient; Internet technology; frequency domain image steganography method; information hiding technique; pixel factor mapping technique; robust image steganography; Discrete cosine transforms; Entropy; Frequency-domain analysis; PSNR; Security; Cover Image; DCT; Pixel Factor Mapping (PFM) method; Steganography ;Stego Image (ID#:14-2486) URL:
  • Linjie Guo; Jiangqun Ni; Yun Qing Shi, "Uniform Embedding for Efficient JPEG Steganography," Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on, vol.9, no.5, pp.814,825, May 2014. doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2014.2312817 Steganography is the science and art of covert communication, which aims to hide the secret messages into a cover medium while achieving the least possible statistical detectability. To this end, the framework of minimal distortion embedding is widely adopted in the development of the steganographic system, in which a well designed distortion function is of vital importance. In this paper, a class of new distortion functions known as uniform embedding distortion function (UED) is presented for both side-informed and non side-informed secure JPEG steganography. By incorporating the syndrome trellis coding, the best codeword with minimal distortion for a given message is determined with UED, which, instead of random modification, tries to spread the embedding modification uniformly to quantized discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients of all possible magnitudes. In this way, less statistical detectability is achieved, owing to the reduction of the average changes of the first- and second-order statistics for DCT coefficients as a whole. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is verified with evidence obtained from exhaustive experiments using popular steganalyzers with various feature sets on the BOSSbase database. Compared with prior arts, the proposed scheme gains favorable performance in terms of secure embedding capacity against steganalysis. Keywords: discrete cosine transforms; distortion; higher order statistics; image coding; steganography; trellis codes; BOSSbase database; DCT; UED; distortion functions; first-order statistics; minimal distortion embedding framework; nonside-informed secure JPEG steganography; quantized discrete cosine transform coefficients; second-order statistics; secure embedding capacity; side-informed secure JPEG steganography; statistical detectability; syndrome trellis coding; uniform embedding distortion function; Additives; Discrete cosine transforms; Encoding; Histograms; Payloads; Security; Transform coding; JPEG steganography ;distortion function design; minimal-distortion embedding; uniform embedding (ID#:14-2487) URL:
  • Gupta, N.; Sharma, N., "Dwt and Lsb based Audio Steganography," Optimization, Reliabilty, and Information Technology (ICROIT), 2014 International Conference on, pp.428,431, 6-8 Feb. 2014 doi: 10.1109/ICROIT.2014.6798368 Steganography is a fascinating and effective method of hiding data that has been used throughout history. Methods that can be employed to uncover such devious tactics, but the first step are awareness that such methods even exist. There are many good reasons as well to use this type of data hiding, including watermarking or a more secure central storage method for such things as passwords, or key processes. Regardless, the technology is easy to use and difficult to detect. Researchers and scientists have made a lot of research work to solve this problem and to find an effective method for image hiding .The proposed system aims to provide improved robustness, security by using the concept of DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) and LSB (Least Significant Bit) proposed a new method of Audio Steganography. The emphasize will be on the proposed scheme of image hiding in audio and its comparison with simple Least Significant Bit insertion method for data hiding in audio. Keywords: audio watermarking; data encapsulation; discrete wavelet transforms; steganography; DWT based audio steganography; LSB based audio steganography; audio watermarking; data hiding; discrete wavelet transform; image hiding; least significant bit insertion method; secure central storage method; Cryptography; Discrete wavelet transforms; Generators; Audio steganography; DWT; LSB; PSNR (ID#:14-2488) URL:
  • Balakrishna, C.; Naveen Chandra, V.; Pal, R., "Image Steganography Using Single Digit Sum With Varying Base," Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (IEEE CONECCT), 2014 IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,5, 6-7 Jan. 2014. doi: 10.1109/CONECCT.2014.6740336 Hiding an important message within an image is known as image steganography. Imperceptibility of the message is a major concern of an image steganography scheme. A novel single digit sum (SDS) based image steganography scheme has been proposed in this paper. At first, the computation of SDS has been generalized to support a number system with any given base. Then, an image steganography scheme has been developed, where the base for computing SDS is varied from one pixel to another. Therefore, the number of embedding bits in a pixel is varied across pixels. The purpose of this technique is to control the amount of change in a pixel. A lossy compressed version of the cover image is used to determine the upper limit of change in each pixel value. The base for computing SDS is determined by using this upper limit for a pixel. Thus, it is ensured that the stego image does not degrade beyond the degradation in the lossily compressed image. Keywords: data compression; image coding; steganography; SDS; lossy compressed version; message hiding; novel single digit sum based image steganography scheme; pixel value; Payloads (ID#:14-2489) URL:
  • Odeh, A; Elleithy, K.; Faezipour, M., "Fast Real-Time Hardware Engine for Multipoint Text Steganography," Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT), 2014 IEEE Long Island , vol., no., pp.1,5, 2-2 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/LISAT.2014.6845184 Different strategies were introduced in the literature to protect data. Some techniques change the data form while other techniques hide the data inside another file. Steganography techniques conceal information inside different digital media like image, audio, and text files. Most of the introduced techniques use software implementation to embed secret data inside the carrier file. Most software implementations are not sufficiently fast for real-time applications. In this paper, we present a new real-time Steganography technique to hide data inside a text file using a hardware engine with 11.27 Gbps hidden data rate. The fast Steganography implementation is presented in this paper. Keywords: data protection; steganography; text analysis; carrier file; data hiding; data protection; digital media; multipoint text steganography; real-time hardware engine; real-time steganography technique; secret data; text file; Algorithm design and analysis; Engines; Field programmable gate arrays; Hardware; Real-time systems; Signal processing algorithms; Streaming media (ID#:14-2490) URL:
  • Karakiş, R.; Güler, I, "An Application Of Fuzzy Logic-Based Image Steganography," Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2014 22nd , vol., no., pp.156,159, 23-25 April 2014 doi: 10.1109/SIU.2014.6830189 Today, data security in digital environment (such as text, image and video files) is revealed by development technology. Steganography and Cryptology are very important to save and hide data. Cryptology saves the message contents and Steganography hides the message presence. In this study, an application of fuzzy logic (FL)-based image Steganography was performed. First, the hidden messages were encrypted by XOR (eXclusive Or) algorithm. Second, FL algorithm was used to select the least significant bits (LSB) of the image pixels. Then, the LSBs of selected image pixels were replaced with the bits of the hidden messages. The method of LSB was improved as robustly and safely against steg-analysis by the FL-based LSB algorithm. Keywords: cryptography; fuzzy logic; image coding; steganography; FL-based LSB algorithm; XOR algorithm; cryptology; data security ; eXclusive OR algorithm; fuzzy logic; image steganography; least significant bits; Conferences; Cryptography; Fuzzy logic; Internet; PSNR; Signal processing algorithms (ID#:14-2491) URL:
  • Sarreshtedari, S.; Akhaee, M.A, "One-third Probability Embedding: A New ±1 Histogram Compensating Image Least Significant Bit Steganography Scheme," Image Processing, IET vol.8, no.2, pp.78,89, February 2014. doi: 10.1049/iet-ipr.2013.0109 A new method is introduced for the least significant bit (LSB) image steganography in spatial domain providing the capacity of one bit per pixel. Compared to the recently proposed image steganography techniques, the new method called one-third LSB embedding reduces the probability of change per pixel to one-third without sacrificing the embedding capacity. This improvement results in a better imperceptibility and also higher robustness against well-known LSB detectors. Bits of the message are carried using a function of three adjacent cover pixels. It is shown that no significant improvement is achieved by increasing the length of the pixel sequence employed. A closed-form expression for the probability of change per pixel in terms of the number of pixels used in the pixel groups has been derived. Another advantage of the proposed algorithm is to compensate, as much as possible, for any changes in the image histogram. It has been demonstrated that one-third probability embedding outperforms histogram compensating version of the LSB matching in terms of keeping the image histogram unchanged. Keywords: image coding; image enhancement; probability; steganography; LSB image steganography; closed-form expression; histogram compensating image least significant bit steganography scheme; image histogram; one-third LSB embedding; one-third probability embedding; pixel sequence; spatial domain (ID#:14-2492) URL:
  • Pathak, P.; Chattopadhyay, AK.; Nag, A, "A New Audio Steganography Scheme Based On Location Selection With Enhanced Security," Automation, Control, Energy and Systems (ACES), 2014 First International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,4, 1-2 Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/ACES.2014.6807979 Steganography is the art and science of secret communication. In this paper a new scheme for digital audio steganography is presented where the bits of a secret message are embedded into the coefficients of a cover audio. Each secret bit is embedded into the selected position of a cover coefficient. The position for insertion of a secret bit is selected from the 0th (Least Significant Bit) to 7th LSB based on the upper three MSB (Most Significant Bit). This scheme provides high audio quality, robustness and lossless recovery from the cover Audio. Keywords: security of data; steganography; telecommunication security; LSB; MSB; communication security; cover audio coefficient; digital audio quality; digital audio steganography scheme; information security; least significant bit; location selection; message security; most significant bit; Decoding; Encoding; Encryption; Information security; Signal processing algorithms; LSB; Steganography; digital audio; secret communication (ID#:14-2493) URL:


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