Eighth Software Certification Consortium Meeting

Date: Nov 09, 2011 7:30 am – Nov 10, 2011 4:15 am
Location: IBM CASCON - Markham, Ontario, Canada

Software Certification Consortium Meeting #8
 Theoretical Basis for System and Software Engineering
Practices and Certification
November 09-10, 2011 | Markham, Ontario, Canada

Conference Archives: https://sos-vo.org/group/scc/meetings

The eighth Software Certification Consortium meeting was held as an open, public workshop at CASCON, the annual Canadian software engineering conference sponsored by IBM. The conference was held just outside Toronto.

The workshop objective was to address a specific work item in SCC's agenda: the “Theoretical Basis for System and Software Engineering Practices and Certification”. The workshop consisted of presentations of submitted papers specifically addressing this topic, with extensive discussion, and the use of breakout sessions to address issues identified as requiring focusing and refinement - see the draft agenda below.


0830 – 0900  Welcome and Introductions
0900 – 0930 Software Safety
Gerard Holzmann - NASA / JPL
0930 – 1000  Keeping Things “As Simple As Possible, but Not Simpler"
David Parnas - Middle Road Software
1000 – 1015 Coffee
1015 – 1100 Discussion 1 - What are the key system engineering principles necessary to achieve safety? How are software elements of a system different? ( failure mechanisms, benefits of diversity, quantitative reliability)
1100 – 1130 Robustness Assurance for Systems at Scale
John Goodenough - SEI
1130 – 1215 Discussion 2 - What are the challenges in certifying COTS? (ability to certify a black box, value of operating history, competencies of practitioners)
1215 – 1315 Lunch
1315 – 1345 Assurance Cases and Software - Is There Any Evidence?
Mats Heimdahl - University of Minnesota
1345 – 1415 Jens Weber - University of Victoria
1415 – 1500 Discussion 3 - What kind of hazards can be introduced during software design that were not explicit in the requirements, and how can they be identified?
1500 – 1515 Coffee
1515 – 1645 Breakout 1 - What are the outstanding research questions related to gaining confidence in a system's specification of critical properties?
1645 – 1715 Summary from Breakout 1
0830 – 0900 What Goes Wrong With Software Development And Why?
John Knight - University of Virginia
0900 – 0945 Discussion 4 - What evidence should be produced to support the certification of critical systems containing software?
0945 – 1015 Automotive System Safety Engineering Practitioner Knowledge
Joe D'Ambrosio - GM
1015 – 1030  Coffee
1030 – 1115  Discussion 5 - What body of knowledge do practitioners need to know in order to develop critical systems containing software? What should the role of licensed professional engineers be?
1115 – 1145 DI&C systems safety demonstration framework research planned
Sushil Birla - US NRC
1145 – 1245 Lunch
1245 – 1315 Thoughts on Assurance Cases
Paul Jones - US FDA
1315 – 1400 Discussion 6 - What criteria should be used for the evaluation of an assurance case that can be effectively applied by a 3rd party certifier?
1400 –  1545 Breakout 2 - What are the outstanding research questions related to gaining confidence in a system's implementation? (including coffee)
1545 – 1615 Summary from Breakout 2
1615 – 1630  Wrapup

NOTE: McMaster University’s Software Certification Centre will be holding a workshop on “Progress on Certification of Critical Software Intensive Systems” on Friday November 11 at the same conference facility as the SCC workshop. Information on the McMaster workshop can be found at:  http://www.mcscert.ca/index.php/public-project-workshop-1 . This workshop is designed to highlight work that has been undertaken in a major Ontario funded project on software certification.  We would be delighted to have you join us at the Public Workshop as well.


Information about the CASCON conference can be found at https://www-927.ibm.com/ibm/cas/cascon/

There is no charge for attending the conference, and lunches, breakfasts and coffees/teas are provided. The conference takes place Mon-Thu, Nov 7-10 and the SCC workshop will be on Wed-Thu, Nov 9-10. There is a special rate for the hotel available after registering.  


  • certification
  • Certification
Submitted by Paul Joannou on