2014 Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT) - Iran

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International Conferences: 2014 Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory This bibliography comes from another recently held international conference to highlight Science of Security research being conducted globally. This set is from the 2014 Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT ) held 7-8 May 2014.

  • Afshar, N.; Akhbari, B.; Aref, M.R., "Random Coding Bound For E-Capacity Region Of The Relay Channel With Confidential Messages," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1,6, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842481 We study a relay channel with confidential messages (RCC), which involves a sender, a receiver and a relay. In the RCC, a common information must be transmitted to both a receiver and a relay and also a private information to the intended receiver, while keeping the relay as ignorant of it as possible. The level of ignorance of the relay rather than the private message is measured by the equivocation rate. We consider two error probability exponents (reliabilities) E1, E2 of exponentially decrease of error probability of the receiver decoder and the relay decoder, respectively. For E = (E1, E2), the E-capacity region is the set of all E-achievable rates of codes with given reliability E. We derive a random coding bound for E-capacity region of the RCC using block Markov strategies over a fixed number of blocks. We also show that, when E tends to zero, our obtained inner bound for E-capacity region converges to the inner bound for the capacity region of the RCC obtained by Y. Oohama and S. Watanabe. Keywords: Markov processes; codecs; error statistics; radio receivers; random codes; telecommunication channels ;E-achievable rates; E-capacity region; block Markov strategies; confidential messages; equivocation rate; error probability; random coding bound; receiver decoder; relay channel; relay decoder; Channel coding; Decoding; Error probability; Receivers; Relays; Vectors; E-capacity; effective rate; equivocation rate; error probability exponent; method of types; relay channel with confidential messages (ID#:14-3067) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842481&isnumber=6842477
  • Aguerri, I.E.; Varasteh, M.; Gunduz, D., "Zero-delay Joint Source-Channel Coding," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1,6, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842482 In zero-delay joint source-channel coding each source sample is mapped to a channel input, and the samples are directly estimated at the receiver based on the corresponding channel output. Despite its simplicity, uncoded transmission achieves the optimal end-to-end distortion performance in some communication scenarios, significantly simplifying the encoding and decoding operations, and reducing the coding delay. Three different communication scenarios are considered here, for which uncoded transmission is shown to achieve either optimal or near-optimal performance. First, the problem of transmitting a Gaussian source over a block-fading channel with block-fading side information is considered. In this problem, uncoded linear transmission is shown to achieve the optimal performance for certain side information distributions, while separate source and channel coding fails to achieve the optimal performance. Then, uncoded transmission is shown to be optimal for transmitting correlated multivariate Gaussian sources over a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel in the low signal to noise ratio (SNR) regime. Finally, motivated by practical systems a peak-power constraint (PPC) is imposed on the transmitter's channel input. Since linear transmission is not possible in this case, nonlinear transmission schemes are proposed and shown to perform very close to the lower bound. Keywords: Gaussian channels; MIMO communication; block codes; combined source-channel coding; decoding; delays; fading channels; radio receivers; radio transmitters; MIMO communication; PPC; SNR; block fading channel; correlated multivariate Gaussian source transmission; decoding; encoding delay reduction; end-to-end distortion performance; information distribution; multiple input multiple output channel; nonlinear transmission scheme; peak power constraint; receiver; signal to noise ratio; transmitter channel; uncoded linear transmission; zero delay joint source channel coding; Channel coding; Decoding; Joints; MIMO; Nonlinear distortion; Signal to noise ratio (ID#:14-3068) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842482&isnumber=6842477
  • Akhoondi, F.; Poursaeed, O.; Salehi, J.A., "Resource Allocation Using Fragmented-Spectrum Synchronous OFDM-CDMA In Cognitive Radio Networks," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1,4, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842483 This paper presents a fragmented-spectrum synchronous OFDM-CDMA modulation and utilize it as secondary users modulation in a cognitive radio-based network to provide high data rate by efficiently exploiting available spectrum bands in a target spectral range while simultaneously offering multiple-access capability. In particular, given preexisting communications in the spectrum where the system is operating, a channel sensing and estimation method is used to obtain information of subcarrier availability. Given this information, some three-level codes are provided for emerging new cognitive radio users. Furthermore, analytical results of the system performance in a typical cognitive radio network are shown. Keywords: OFDM modulation; channel estimation; code division multiple access; cognitive radio; radio networks; resource allocation; available spectrum bands; channel estimation method; channel sensing; cognitive radio users; cognitive radio-based network; fragmented-spectrum synchronous OFDM-CDMA modulation; multiple-access capability; resource allocation; secondary users modulation; subcarrier availability; target spectral range; three-level codes; Conferences; Information theory; code-division multiple-access (CDMA);cognitive radio; fragmented-spectrum; multicarrier (MC);orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) (ID#:14-3069) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842483&isnumber=6842477
  • Hassan, N.B.; Matinfar, M.D., "On The Implementation Aspects Of Adaptive Power Control Algorithms In Free-Space Optical Communications," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1,5, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842485 Atmospheric turbulence has made a significant contribution in free-space optical (FSO) communications' areas of research. Assuming slowly varying channel, a feedback can be implemented to overcome the problem of fading. In comparison with all former published works, in this paper, we apply an algorithm to reduce average power consumption by regulating transmitter Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) gain given channel state information (CSI). As a benchmark, a simple but non practical power control algorithm is introduced and discussed in this paper. To make the algorithm more practical, the quantized counterpart of the algorithm is introduced and its performance is compared to continuous one. It is shown by consuming 4dB more power than the continuous algorithm, we can simply implement a practical quantized power control algorithm. The statistical analysis of the proposed adaptive algorithms is performed, considering a complex model of the channel, including a low power transmitting laser, EDFA statistical model, channel fading, channel attenuations, receiver lens, photodetector model and all sources of optical and electrical noise. It is shown the proposed algorithm brings significant improvements over its non-adaptive counterpart. Keywords: adaptive control; erbium; gain control; optical communication equipment; optical fibre amplifiers; optical links; power control; telecommunication control; EDFA gain regulation; EDFA statistical model; adaptive algorithms; adaptive power control algorithm; atmospheric turbulence; average power consumption; channel attenuations; channel fading; channel state information; electrical noise; free-space optical communications; low power transmitting laser; optical noise; photodetector model; practical power control algorithm; receiver lens; transmitter erbium doped fiber amplifier; Atmospheric modeling; Bit error rate; Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers; Fading; Noise; Optical attenuators; Optical fiber communication; EDFA; Free-space optical communication; OOK modulation; adaptive transmission; atmospheric turbulence (ID#:14-3070) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842485&isnumber=6842477
  • Khani, A.E.; Seyfe, B., "A game-theoretic Approach Based On Pricing Scheme On The Two-User Gaussian Interference Channel," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1,6, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842489 In this work, a non-cooperative power control game between two selfish users over a Gaussian interference channel is presented. In this proposed scenario each user is willing to maximize its utility under power constraints in transmitters. The outcome of this non-cooperative game is considered. We show that by choosing a proper price for each of the users, the outcome of the game is a unique, Pareto-efficient and proportional fair Nash Equilibrium (NE). Numerical Results confirm our analytical developments. Keywords: Gaussian channels; game theory; pricing; telecommunication control; NE; Pareto-efficient; game-theoretic approach; noncooperative power control game; power constraints; pricing scheme; proportional fair Nash equilibrium; transmitters; two-user gaussian interference channel; Games; Integrated circuits; Interference channels; Nash equilibrium; Power control; Pricing; Gaussian interference channel; Nash equilibrium; Pareto efficiency; game theory; proportional fairness (ID#:14-3071) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842489&isnumber=6842477
  • Emadi, M.J.; Khormuji, M.N.; Skoglund, M.; Aref, M.R., "The Generalized MAC With Partial State And Message Cooperation," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1, 5, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842490 We consider a two-user state-dependent generalized multiple access channel (GMAC) with correlated channel state information (CSI). It is assumed that the CSI is partially known at each encoder noncausally. We first present an achievable rate region using multi-layer Gelfand-Pinsker coding with partial state and message cooperation between the encoders. We then specialize our result to a Gaussian GMAC with additive interferences that are known partially at each encoder. We show that the proposed scheme can remove the common part known at both encoders and also mitigate a significant part of the independent interference via state cooperation when the feedback links are strong. Thus, the proposed scheme can significantly improve the rate region as compared to that with only message cooperation. Keywords: Gaussian channels; channel coding; cooperative communication; multi-access systems; CSI; Gaussian GMAC; achievable rate region; additive interferences; correlated channel state information; encoder; feedback links; independent interference; message cooperation; multilayer Gelfand-Pinsker coding; state cooperation; two-user state-dependent generalized multiple access channel; Additives; Channel models; Decoding; Encoding; Interference; Receivers; Relays (ID#:14-3072) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842490&isnumber=6842477
  • Ghasemi-Goojani, S.; Behroozi, H., "Nested Lattice Codes For The State-Dependent Gaussian Interference Channel With A Common Message," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1,6, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842492 In this paper, we consider the generalized point-to-point Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel with state: The State-Dependent Gaussian Interference Channel (SD-GIC) with a common message in which two senders transmit a common message to two receivers. Transmitter 1 knows only message W1 while transmitter 2 in addition W1 also knows the channel state sequence non-causally. In this paper, we consider the strong interference case where the channel state has unbounded variance. First, we show that a scheme based on Gelfand-Pinsker coding cannot achieve the capacity within a constant gap for channel gains smaller than unity. In contrast, we propose a lattice-based transmission scheme that can achieve the capacity region in the high SNR regime. Our proposed scheme can achieve the capacity region to within 0.5 bit for all values of channel parameters. Keywords: AWGN channels; encoding; radio transmitters; radiofrequency interference; AWGN channel; Gelfand-Pinsker coding; SD-GIC;S NR regime; capacity region; channel parameters; channel state sequence; generalized point-to-point Additive White Gaussian Noise; lattice-based transmission scheme; nested lattice codes; state-dependent Gaussian interference channel; unbounded variance; Decoding; Encoding; Interference channels; Lattices; Receivers; Transmitters (ID#:14-3073) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842492&isnumber=6842477
  • Keykhosravi, K.; Mahzoon, M.; Gohari, A.; Aref, M.R., "From Source Model To Quantum Key Distillation: An Improved Upper Bound," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1,6, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842497 In this paper we derive a new upper bound on the quantum key distillation capacity. This upper bound is an extension of the classical bound of Gohari and Anantharam on the source model problem. Our bound strictly improves the quantum extension of reduced intrinsic information bound of Christandl et al. Although this bound is proposed for quantum settings, it also serves as an upper bound for the special case of classical source model, and may improve the bound of Gohari and Anantharam. The problem of quantum key distillation is one in which two distant parties, Alice and Bob, and an adversary, Eve, have access to copies of quantum systems A, B, E respectively, prepared jointly according to an arbitrary state ρABE. Alice and Bob desire to distill secret key bits that are secure from Eve, using only local quantum operations and authenticated public classical communication (LOPC). Keywords: quantum cryptography; LOPC; classical source model; improved upper bound; local quantum operation-authenticated public classical communication; quantum extension; quantum key distillation capacity; quantum setting; quantum systems; reduced intrinsic information bound; secret key bits; source model problem; Entropy; Equations; Mathematical model; Mutual information; Protocols; Security; Upper bound (ID#:14-3074) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842497&isnumber=6842477
  • Kuhestani, A.; Mohammadi, A., "Finite-SNR diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of linear dispersion coded MISO systems," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1,4, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842499 In this paper, we study the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) of linear dispersion (LD) coded multiple-input single-output (MISO) systems at finite-SNRs. The tradeoff curves provide a characterization of the achievable diversity and multiplexing gains for a given space-time block code (STBC) at SNRs encountered in practice. For this purpose, first, the outage probability is derived for a broad class of LD coded MISO channels in a simple and closed-form expression. Then, for the special case of the correlated Rayleigh fading MISO channel, the outage probability is presented in an exact closed-form. Using this expression, we present a closed-form solution for the DMT framework. Keywords: Rayleigh channels; probability; space-time block codes; DMT; LD coded MISO systems; STBC; closed-form expression; correlated Rayleigh fading MISO channel; finite-SNR diversity-multiplexing tradeoff; linear dispersion coded multiple-input single-output systems; outage probability; space-time block code; Diversity methods; Fading; Gain; MIMO; Multiplexing; Signal to noise ratio; Transmitting antennas; Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff (DMT);Linear Dispersion (LD) Code; Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) channel (ID#:14-3075) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842499&isnumber=6842477
  • Mirmohseni, M.; Papadimitratos, P., "Colluding Eavesdroppers In Large Cooperative Wireless Networks," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1,6, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842500 Securing communication against non-colluding passive eavesdroppers has been extensively studied. Colluding eavesdroppers were considered for interference-limited large networks. However, collusion was not investigated for large cooperative networks. This paper closes this gap: we study the improvement the eavesdroppers achieve due to collusion in terms of the information leakage rate in a large cooperative network. We consider a dense network with nl legitimate nodes, ne eavesdroppers, and path loss exponent α ≥ 2. We show that if ne(2+2/α) (log ne)γ = o(nl) holds, for some positive γ, then zero-cost secure communication is possible; i.e., ne colluding eavesdroppers can be tolerated. This means that our scheme achieves unbounded secure aggregate rate, given a fixed total power constraint for the entire network. Keywords: computational complexity; cooperative communication; radio networks; radiofrequency interference ;telecommunication security; eavesdropper collusion; eavesdropper improvement; fixed total power constraint ;information leakage rate; interference-limited large cooperative wireless networks; legitimate nodes; path loss exponent; zero-cost secure communication; Aggregates; Array signal processing; Encoding; Relays; Transmitters; Vectors; Wireless networks (ID#:14-3076) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842500&isnumber=6842477
  • Mirzaee, M.; Akhlaghi, S., "Maximizing The Minimum Achievable Secrecy Rate In A Two-User Gaussian Interference Channel," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1,5, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842501 This paper studies a two-user Gaussian interference channel in which two single-antenna sources aim at sending their confidential messages to the legitimate destinations such that each message should be kept confidential from non-intended receiver. Also, it is assumed that the direct channel gains are stronger than the interference channel gains and the noise variances at two destinations are equal. In this regard, under Gaussian code book assumption, the problem of secrecy rate balancing which aims at exploring the optimal power allocation policy at the sources in an attempt to maximize the minimum achievable secrecy rate is investigated, assuming each source is subject to a transmit power constraint. To this end, it is shown that at the optimal point, two secrecy rates are equal, hence, the problem is abstracted to maximizing the secrecy rate associated with one of destinations while the other destination is restricted to have the same secrecy rate. Accordingly, the optimum secrecy rate associated with the investigated max-min problem is analytically derived leading to the solution of secrecy rate balancing problem. Keywords: Gaussian channels; antennas; interference (signal) ;telecommunication security; Gaussian code book assumption; achievable secrecy rate; direct channel gains; interference channel gains; max-min problem; noise variances; nonintended receiver; optimal power allocation policy; secrecy rate balancing ;single-antenna sources; transmit power constraint; two-user Gaussian interference channel; Array signal processing; Gain ;Interference channels; Linear programming; Noise; Optimization; Transmitters; Achievable secrecy rate; Gaussian interference channel; Max-Min problem (ID#:14-3077) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842501&isnumber=6842477
  • Bidokhti, S.S.; Kramer, G., "An Application Of A Wringing Lemma To The Multiple Access Channel With Cooperative Encoders," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1,4, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842504 The problem of communicating over a multiple access channel with cooperative encoders is studied. A new upper bound is derived on the capacity which is motivated by the regime of operation where the relays start to cooperate. The proof technique is based on a wringing lemma by Dueck and Ahlswede which was used for the multiple description problem with no excess rate. Previous upper bounds are shown to be loose in general, and may be improved. Keywords: codecs; cooperative communication; multi-access systems; cooperative encoders; multiple access channel; multiple description problem; wringing lemma; Adders; Artificial neural networks; Diamonds; Random variables; Relays; Standards; Upper bound (ID#:14-3078) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842504&isnumber=6842477
  • Salehkalaibar, S.; Aref, M.R., "An Achievable Scheme For The One-Receiver, Two-Eavesdropper Broadcast Channel," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1,6, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842505 In this paper, we consider the secrecy of the one-receiver, two-eavesdropper Broadcast Channel (BC) with three degraded message sets. There is a three-receiver BC where the common message is decoded by all receivers. The first confidential message is decoded by the first and the second receivers and is kept secret from the third receiver (eavesdropper). The second confidential message is decoded by the first receiver and is kept secret from the second and the third receivers (eavesdroppers). We propose an achievable scheme to find an inner bound to the secrecy capacity region of a class of one-receiver, two-eavesdropper BCs with three degraded message sets. We also compare our inner bound with another existing achievable region. Keywords: broadcast channels; broadcast communication; radio receivers; telecommunication security; confidential message decoding; degraded message sets; one-receiver broadcast channel; secrecy capacity region; three-receiver BC; two-eavesdropper broadcast channel; Decoding; Entropy; Joints; Mutual information; Random variables; Receivers; Transmitters (ID#:14-3079) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842505&isnumber=6842477
  • Sonee, A.; Hodtani, G.A., "Wiretap Channel With Strictly Causal Side Information At Encoder," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on , vol., no., pp.1,6, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842507 In this paper, the wiretap channel with side information studied in [2] is revisited for the case in which the side information is available only at the encoder and in a strictly causal manner. We derive a lower bound on the secrecy capacity of the channel based on a coding scheme which consists of block Markov encoding and key generation using the strictly causal state information available at the encoder. In order to provide the secrecy of messages, at the end of each block a description of the state sequence obtained by the encoder is used to generate the key which encrypts the whole or part of the message to be transmitted in the next block. Moreover, for the decoder to be able to decrypt the messages, the description of the sate sequence of each block is sent in common with the message of that block. Also, an upper bound on the secrecy capacity is developed which assumes that the state is noncausally known at the encoder and we prove that it would coincide the lower bound for a special case and results in the secrecy capacity. Keywords: Markov processes; encoding; block Markov encoding; key generation; sate sequence; secrecy capacity; wiretap channel; Cryptography; Decoding; Encoding; Indexes; Markov processes; Radio frequency; Upper bound (ID#:14-3080) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842507&isnumber=6842477
  • Zahabi, S.J.; Khosravifard, M., "A Note On The Redundancy Of Reversible Variable Length Codes," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1,6, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842508 An improved upper bound on the redundancy of the optimal reversible variable length code (RVLC), is presented in terms of the largest symbol probability p1. The improvement is achieved for 2/9 <; p1 <; 1/4 and for 2/5 ≤ p1 ≤ 1/2. The bound guarantees that in these two regions, the redundancy of the optimal RVLC is less than 1 bit per symbol. Keywords: probability; variable length codes; RVLC; reversible variable length codes; symbol probability; Computers; Conferences; Information theory; Radio frequency; Redundancy; Upper bound; Vectors (ID#:14-3081) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842508&isnumber=6842477
  • Zeinalpour-Yazdi, Z.; Jalali, S., "Outage Analysis Of Uplink Open Access Two-Tier Networks," Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 2014 Iran Workshop on, pp.1,6, 7-8 May 2014. doi: 10.1109/IWCIT.2014.6842511 Employing multi-tier networks is among the most promising approaches to address the rapid growth of the data demand in cellular networks. In this paper, we study a two-tier uplink cellular network consisting of femtocells and a macrocell. Femto base stations, and femto and macro users are assumed to be spatially deployed based on independent Poisson point processes. Under open-access policy, we derive analytical upper and lower bounds on the outage probabilities of femto users and macro users that are subject to fading and path loss. We also study the effect of the distance from the macro base station on the outage probability experienced by the users. In all cases, our simulation results comply with our analytical bounds. Keywords: femtocellular radio ;radio links; stochastic processes; femto base stations; femto users; femtocell network; independent Poisson point processes; macro base station; macro users; macrocell network; multi-tier networks; open-access policy; outage analysis; outage probabilities; two-tier uplink cellular network; uplink open access two-tier networks; Analytical models; Downlink; Femtocells; OFDM; Open Access; Uplink (ID#:14-3082) URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6842511&isnumber=6842477


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