Index of Newsletter Topics

Index of Newsletter Topics

The following is an index with hot links of the all topics included in all the SoS Newsletters to date.

3d Annual NSA Cybersecurity Paper Contest Winners

6LoWPAN 2015


Academic SoS Research Highlights

Academic SoS Research Programs

Acoustic Fingerprints

Acoustic Fingerprints (2014 Year in Review)

Acoustic Fingerprints 2015

Actuator Security

Actuator Security 2015

Ad Hoc Network Security

Adaptive Filtering

Adaptive Filtering 2015

Adoption of Cybersecurity Technology Workshop

Adversary Models and Privacy 2014


Agents 2015

Analogical Transfer

Analogical Transfer, 2014

Android and iOS Encryption

Android Encryption 2015


Anonymity and Privacy 2015

Anonymity and Privacy in Wireless Networks

Anonymity in Wireless Networks 2015

APIs 2015 part 1

APIs 2015 part 2

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and Privacy, 2014

Artificial Neural Networks and Security 2015

Asymmetric Encryption 2015

Attack Graphs and Privacy, 2014

Attribution (2014 Year in Review) Part 1

Attribution (2014 Year in Review) Part 2

Attribution 2015

Authentication and Authorization

Authentication and Authorization (2014 Year in Review) Part 1

Authentication and Authorization (2014 Year in Review) Part 2

Authentication and Authorization with Privacy 2015 Part 1

Authentication and Authorization with Privacy 2015 Part 2

Automated Response Actions

Automated Response Actions (2014 Year in Review)

Automated Response Actions 2015

Autonomic Security

Autonomic Security 2015



Best Paper Competition Award Ceremony

Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper

Big Data

Big Data Security Issues (2014 Year in Review)

Big Data Security Issues in the Cloud 2015

Big Data Security Metrics, 2014

Biometric Encryption and Privacy 2014

Black Box Cryptography 2015


Botnets 2015

Browser Security

Building secure and resilient software from the start




Carnegie Mellon Lablet

Channel Coding

Channel Coding 2015

Citations for Hard Problems (2014 Year in Review)

Clean Slate

Clean Slate (2014 Year in Review)

Clean Slate 2015

Cloud Security

CMU – Carnegie Mellon University

CMU fields cloud-based sandbox

CMU Lablet Recent Activities

Coding Theory

Coding Theory and Security 2015

Coding Theory and Security, 2014, Part 1

Coding Theory and Security, 2014, Part 2

Coding Theory and Security, 2014, Part 3

Cognitive Radio Security

Cognitive Radio Security 2015

Command Injection Attacks

Communications Security

Compendium of Science of Security Articles of Interest

Compiler Security

Compiler Security 2015

Composability 2015

Compositional Security 2014

Compressive Sampling

Compressive Sampling 2015

Computational Cybersecurity in Compromised Environments Workshop

Computational Intelligence

Computational Intelligence 2015

Computer Science

Computer Science as a Theoretical Science

Computing Theory and Composability, 2014

Computing Theory and Privacy, 2014

Computing Theory and Security Metrics, 2014

Computing Theory and Security Resilience, 2014


Confinement 2015

Consumer Privacy in the Smart Grid 2014

Control Theory

Control Theory and Privacy 2014 Part 1

Control Theory and Privacy 2014 Part 2

Cooperative SoS Activities

Covert Channels

Covert Channels 2015

Cross Layer Security

Cross Layer Security (2014 Year in Review)

Cross Layer Security 2015

Cross Site Scripting

Cross Site Scripting (2014 Year in Review)

Cross Site Scripting 2015


Cryptanalysis 2015

Cryptography and Data Security 2015

Cryptography and Security

Cryptography with Photons 2015

Cryptology and Data Security, 2014

Cyber Aptitude and the Science of Intellectual Assessment

Cyber Physical Expert Security Systems 2015

Cyber Physical Systems and Metrics 2015

Cyber Physical Systems and Privacy 2015

Cyber Physical Systems Resiliency 2015

Cyber Scene (2016 - Issue 4)

Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare, and Digital Forensics (CyberSec) - Beirut, Lebanon

Cyber-crime Analysis

Cyber-physical System Security and Privacy, 2014, Part 1

Cyber-physical System Security and Privacy, 2014, Part 2

Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-physical Systems Security

Cybercrime Analysis 2015

Cybersecurity Conference Publications, Early 2015

Cybersecurity Education

Cybersecurity Education 2015


Data at Rest - Data in Motion

Data Deletion 2015

Data Deletion and Forgetting

Data Deletion, 2014

Data in Motion Data at Rest 2015

Data Race Vulnerabilities 2015

Data Sanitization

Data Sanitization 2015

Decomposition and Security 2015

Deep Packet Inspection 2014

Deploying the Security Behavior Observatory: An Infrastructure for Long-term Monitoring of Client Machines


Deterrence 2015

Deterrence, 2014 (ACM Publications)

Developing Security Metrics

Differential Privacy, 2014, Part 1

Differential Privacy, 2014, Part 2

Digital Signature Security

Digital Signatures

Digital Signatures and Privacy 2015

Discrete and Continuous Optimization

Discrete and Continuous Optimization 2015

Distributed Denial of Service Attack Detection 2015

Distributed Denial of Service Attack Mitigation 2015

Distributed Denial of Service Attack Prevention 2015

Distributed Denial of Service Attacks (DDoS Attacks)

DNA Cryptography 2015

DNA Cryptography, 2014

Dynamic Execution

Dynamic Network Services and Security 2015

Dynamical Systems

Dynamical Systems 2015

Dynamical Systems, 2014


Edge Detection

Edge Detection and Metrics 2015

Edge Detection and Security 2015

Effectiveness and Work Factor Metrics

Effectiveness and Work Factor Metrics 2015 Part 1

Effectiveness and Work Factor Metrics 2015 Part 2

Efficient Encryption

Efficient Encryption 2015

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (2014 Year in Review), Part 1

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (2014 Year in Review), Part 2

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (2014 Year in Review), Part 3

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (2014 Year in Review), Part 4

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (2014 Year in Review), Part 5

Elliptic Curve Cryptography 2015

Elliptic Curve Cryptography from ACM, 2014, Part 1

Elliptic Curve Cryptography from ACM, 2014, Part 2

Embedded System Security

Embedded System Security 2015

Encryption Audits 2014

End to End Computing

End to End Security and IPv6, 2014

End to End Security and the Internet of Things 2015

End to End Security and the Internet of Things, 2014

Expandability 2015

Expert Systems

Expert Systems Security 2015


Facial Recognition

Facial Recognition 2015

False Data Injection Attacks 2015

Flow Control Integrity 2015

Fog Computing Security

Fog Computing Security 2015

Forward Error Correction

Forward Error Correction 2015

Fuzzy Logic and Security

Fuzzy Logic and Security 2015


Game Theoretic Approaches

Game Theoretic Security 2015

Game Theoretic Security, 2014

General Topics of Interest (2014 - Issue 4)

General Topics of Interest (2015 - Issue 2)

General Topics of Interest (Vol 2014 - Issue 1)

General Topics of Interest (Vol 2014 - Issue 6)


Hard Problems Human Behavior 2015 Part 1

Hard Problems Human Behavior 2015 Part 2

Hard Problems Resiliency 2015

Hard Problems Security Metrics 2015

Hard Problems: Predictive Security Metrics (ACM)

Hard Problems: Predictive Security Metrics (IEEE)

Hard Problems: Resilient Security Architectures (ACM)

Hard Problems: Scalability and Composability (2014 Year in Review)

Hardware Trojan Horse Detection

Hardware Trojan Horse Detection 2015

Hash Algorithms

Hash Algorithms 2015

Homomorphism 2014  (Homomorphic Encryption)

Homomorphism 2015

Honey Pots 2015


Host-based IDS 2015

Host-based Intrusion Detection

Hot Research in Cybersecurity Fuels 2016

HotSoS 2015 - Interest in Cybersecurity Science and Research Heats Up

HotSoS 2015 - Research Presentations

HotSoS 2015 - Tutorials

HotSoS 2016 Paper, Posters and Tutorials

Human Factors

Human Trust

Human Trust 2015

I-O System Security 2014


Identity Management

Identity Management 2015

Immersive Systems

Immersive Systems 2015

Improving power grid cybersecurity

In the News (2014 - Issue 1)

In the News (2014 - Issue 2)

In the News (2014 - Issue 3)

In the News (2014 - Issue 4)

In the News (2014 - Issue 5)

In the News (2014 - Issue 6)

In the News (2015 - Issue 1)

In the News (2015 - Issue 2)

In the News (2015 - Issue 4)

In the News (2015 - Issue 6)

In the News (2015 - Issue 7)

In the News (2015 - Issue 8)

In the News (2016 - Issue 1)

In the News (2016 - Issue 2)

In the News (2016 - Issue 3)

In the News (2016 - Issue 4)

In the News (2016 - Issue 5)

Information Assurance

Information Assurance and Cyber Security (CIACS) - Pakistan

Information Flow Analysis and Security 2014

Information Forensics and Security 2015

Information Security for South Africa

Information Theoretic Security

Information Theoretic Security 2015

Insider Threat

Insider Threats (2014 Year in Review)

Insider Threats 2015

Insights into Composability from Lablet Research

Integrated Security

Integrated Security Technologies in CPS 2015

Integrity of Outsourced Databases 2015

Interdisciplinary SoS Activities

International Conferences ICCCT India 2015

International Conferences ICCSP India 2015

International Conferences SSIC China 2015

International Conferences: 10th International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks - Beijing, China

International Conferences: 15th International Conference on Information & Communications Security (ICICS 2013) - Beijing, China

International Conferences: 2014 Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT) - Iran

International Conferences: 6th International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility & Security (NTMS) - Dubai

International Conferences: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Toronto, Canada

International Conferences: ACM Symposium on InformAtion, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS) 2015, Singapore

International Conferences: AINA Korea 2015

International Conferences: AsiaJCIS 2015

International Conferences: China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP) - Xi'an, China

International Conferences: Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC)

International Conferences: Cloud Engineering (IC2E), 2015 Arizona

International Conferences: CODASPY 15, San Antonio, Texas

International Conferences: Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT), 2015

International Conferences: Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI) - Coimbatore, India

International Conferences: Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), Warsaw, Poland

International Conferences: Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, New Orleans, Part 1

International Conferences: Computer Security Applications Conference, December 2014, New Orleans, Part 2

International Conferences: Conference on Advanced Communication Technology - Korea

International Conferences: Conference on Networking Systems & Security (NSysS), Dhaka, Bangladesh

International Conferences: Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems, 2015, Amsterdam

International Conferences: Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems, Amsterdam, 2015

International Conferences: CYBCONF 2015 Poland

International Conferences: Cyber and Information Security Research, Oak Ridge, TN

International Conferences: CyberSA 2015  London

International Conferences: Dependable Systems and Networks (2014) - USA

International Conferences: eCrime, Spain 2015

International Conferences: EuroSec 15, Bordeaux, France

International Conferences: Human Computer Interaction (CHI 15), Korea

International Conferences: IACC India 2015

International Conferences: IBCAST 2015  Islamabad

International Conferences: ICCPS Seattle 2015

International Conferences: ICISCE, China 2015

International Conferences: IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Hobart, Australia

International Conferences: IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops, San Jose, California

International Conferences: IEEE World Congress on Services, Anchorage, Alaska

International Conferences: IH&MMSec Oregon 2015

International Conferences: IMF Germany 2015

International Conferences: INFOCOM Kowloon China 2015

International Conferences: Information Hiding and Multimedia Security Workshop, Salzburg, Austria

International Conferences: Information Networking (ICOIN), 2015, Cambodia

International Conferences: Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 2014, Hobart, Tasmania

International Conferences: Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science, Israel, 2015

International Conferences: Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2015 Singapore

International Conferences: International Science of Security Research: China Communications 2013

International Conferences: International Science of Security Research: China Communications 2014

International Conferences: International Security Research

International Conferences: ISSNIP, Singapore 2015

International Conferences: MobiCom Paris 2015

International Conferences: MobiHoc 2015

International Conferences: NSysS 2015  Dhaka

International Conferences: Online Social Networks, 2014, Dublin, Ireland

International Conferences: Privacy and Security of Big Data, Shanghai, China, 2014

International Conferences: PST Turkey 2015

International Conferences: SACMAT 2015

International Conferences: Service Oriented System Engineering, 2014, Oxford, U.K.

International Conferences: SIGMETRICS 2015

International Conferences: SIGMIS-CPR 2015

International Conferences: Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 2015

International Conferences: Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication & Energy Systems (SPICES), India, 2015

International Conferences: Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER) Quebec, Canada

International Conferences: Software Security and Reliability (SERE), San Francisco, CA

International Conferences: Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), Graz, Austria

International Conferences: Symposium on Resilient Control Systems (ISRCS)

International Conferences: The Third International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control and Information Technology (C3IT), 2015, India

International Conferences: WiSec 2015

International Conferences: Workshop on IoT Privacy, Trust, and Security, 2015, Singapore

International Conferences: Workshop on Security and Privacy Analytics (IWSPA) '15, San Antonio, Texas

International Conferences: Workshop on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec 2014), Paris, France

International News (2014 - Issue 5)

International News (2014 - Issue 6)

International News (2015 - Issue 1)

International News (2015 - Issue 2)

International News (2015 - Issue 4)

International Security Related Conferences

International Security Related Conferences

International Security Related Conferences (2015 - Issue 3)

International Security Related Conferences (2015 - Issue 7)

International Security Related Conferences (2015 - Issue 8)

International Security Related Conferences (2015 - Issue 9)

International Security Related Conferences (2016 - Issue 2)

International Security Related Conferences (Vol 2015 - Issue 4)

International Security Related Conferences (Vol 2015 - Issue 5)

International Security Research Conferences (2015 - Issue 2)

International Security Research Conferences (Vol 2015 - Issue 1)

Internet of Things (Part 1)

Internet of Things Security 2015

Internet of Things Security Problems

Internet of Vehicles 2015

Intrusion Tolerance

Intrusion Tolerance (2014 Year in Review)

Intrusion Tolerance 2015

iOS Encryption

IoT and NSA Research

IP Piracy

IP Protection 2015

IPv6 and Other Protocols

IPv6 Security 2015


Journal: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, March 2015


Kerberos 2015

Key Management

Key Management 2015

Keystroke Analysis

Keystroke Analysis 2015


Lablet Activities (2015 - Issue 1)

Lablet Activities (2015 - Issue 2)

Lablet Presentations—Quarterly Lablet Meeting at CMU, July 2015

Lablet Quarterly Meeting at NCSU - Feb 2-3, 2016

Lablet Quarterly Meeting at UMD 201510 SoS Hard Problems

Lablet Research on Policy-Governed Secure Collaboration

Lablet Research: Human Behavior & Cybersecurity

Lablet Research: Resilient Architecture

Language Based Security

Language Based Security 2015

Lightweight Ciphers 2015

Lightweight Cryptography

Location based Services 2015

Location Privacy 2014 Authentication-based

Location Privacy 2014 Cloaking-based

Location Privacy in Wireless Networks 2015


Locking 2015


Machine Learning

Machine Learning 2015

Magnetic Remanence 2015

Malware Analysis, 2014, Part 1 (ACM)

Malware Analysis, 2014, Part 2 (ACM)

Malware Analysis, Part 1

Malware Analysis, Part 2

Malware Analysis, Part 3

Malware Analysis, Part 4

Malware Analysis, Part 5

MANET Security and Privacy 2014


Measurement and Metrics: Testing, 2014

Measurement of Security Weaknesses, 2014

Meet the Leaders in SoS Research

Meet the SoS Research Lablets

Metadata Discovery Problem

Metadata Discovery Problem 2015

Microelectronics Security

Microelectronics Security 2015

Middleware Security

Middleware Security 2015

Mobile Computing

Mobile Computing and Security

Moving Target Defense

Moving Target Defense (2014 Year in Review)

Moving Target Defense 2015

Multicore Computing and Security, 2014

Multicore Computing Security (Update)

Multicore Computing Security 2015

Multicore Computing Security 2015

Multidimensional Signal Processing

Multidimensional Signal Processing 2015 Part 1

Multidimensional Signal Processing 2015 part 2

Multifactor Authentication 2015

Multiple Fault Diagnosis

Multiple Fault Diagnosis 2015


Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing 2015

NC State Lablet Recent Activities

NCSU – North Carolina State University

Network Accountability

Network Accountability 2015

Network Coding

Network Coding 2015

Network Intrusion Detection

Network Intrusion Detection 2015

Network Layer Security for the Smart Grid 2015

Network Reconnaissance 2015

Network Security Architecture

Network Security Architecture and Resilience 2015

Networked Control Systems 2015

Neural Networks

Neural Networks 2015


Open Systems

Open Systems and Security, 2014

Operating System Security 2015

Operating Systems

Operating Systems Security (2014 Year in Review), Part 1

Operating Systems Security (2014 Year in Review), Part 2

Operating Systems Security (2014 Year in Review), Part 3

Oscillating Behavior

Oscillating Behavior 2015


Panel Presentations—Quarterly Lablet Meeting at CMU, July 2015

Paper Presentations—Quarterly Lablet Meeting at CMU, July 2015

Pattern Locks, 2014

Peer to Peer 2015

Peer to Peer Security, 2014

Peer to Peer Systems

Pervasive Computing

Pervasive Computing 2015


Phishing (ACM) (2014 Year in Review)

Phishing (IEEE) (2014 Year in Review), Part 1

Phishing (IEEE) (2014 Year in Review), Part 2

Phishing 2015

Physical Layer Security

Physical Layer Security 2015

PKI Trust Models 2014

Policy Analysis

Policy Analysis 2015

Policy-based Governance 2015

Pollution Attacks 2015

Polymorphic Worms, 2014

Power Grid Security

Power Grid Vulnerability Analysis 2015

Predictive Metrics 2015

Privacy Models, 2014

Privacy Models, 2015

Protocol Verification

Protocol Verification 2015


Provenance 2015

Publications of Interest (2014 - Issue 1)

Publications of Interest (2014 - Issue 2)

Publications of Interest (2014 - Issue 3)

Publications of Interest (2014 - Issue 4)

Publications of Interest (2014 - Issue 5)

Publications of Interest (2014 - Issue 6)

Publications of Interest (2015 - Issue 1)

Publications of Interest (2015 - Issue 2)

Publications of Interest (2015 - Issue 3)

Publications of Interest (2015 - Issue 4)

Publications of Interest (2015 - Issue 5)

Publications of Interest (2015 - Issue 6)

Publications of Interest (2015 - Issue 7)

Publications of Interest (2015 - Issue 8)

Publications of Interest (2015 - Issue 9)

Publications of Interest (2015 - Issue 10)

Publications of Interest (2015 - Issue 11)

Publications of Interest (2016 - Issue 2)

Publications of Interest (2016 - Issue 3)

Publications of Interest (2016 - Issue 4)

Publications of Interest (2016 - Issue 5)



QR Code 2015

Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing (Update)

Quantum Computing Security (2014 Year in Review)

Quantum Computing Security 2015


Radio Frequency Identification

Radio Frequency Identification 2015

Ransomware 2016

Recent NSF Research Grants 2012-2013

Remind me Tomorrow: Human Behaviors and Cyber Vulnerabilities

Research Grant Opportunities

Resilience Indicators

Resilience Metrics 2015


Resiliency and Security, 2014

Resilient Security Architectures (IEEE)

Resilient Security Architectures 2015

Risk Estimation 2015

Risk Estimations

Router System Security 2014

Router Systems Security

Routing Anomalies 2015


Safe Coding

Safe Coding Guidelines 2015

Sandboxing 2015

Sandboxing for Mobile Apps 2015

Scalability and Compositionality 2015

Science of Secure and Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems

Science of Security (2014 Year in Review)

Science of Security (2014 Year in Review)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2014 - Issue 1)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2014 - Issue 2)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2014 - Issue 3)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2014 - Issue 4)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2014 - Issue 5)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2014 - Issue 6)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2015 - Issue 1)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2015 - Issue 2)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2015 - Issue 3)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2015 - Issue 4)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2015 - Issue 6)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2015 - Issue 7)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2015 - Issue 8)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2015 - Issue 9)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2015 - Issue 10)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2016 - Issue 1)

Science of Security (SoS) Newsletter (Vol 2016 - Issue 2)

Science of Security (SoS) Summer Internships

Science of Security Quarterly Lablet Meeting (UMD - Oct 2014)

Scientific Computing

Scientific Computing 2015

Searchable Encryption 2014

Searchable Encryption 2015

Secret Life of Passwords

Secure File Sharing

Secure File Sharing 2015

SecUrity and Resilience (SURE) Review

Security by Default 2015

Security Conference Publications, Early 2015

Security Measurement and Metric Methods, 2014

Security of Networked Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Some Promising Approaches

Security Scalability and Big Data, 2014

Selection of Android graphic pattern passwords

Self-healing Networks 2015

Signal Processing 2015

Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT) - India

Signals Processing

Signature-based Defenses, 2014

Situational Awareness

Situational Awareness 2015

Situational Awareness and Security - Part 1

Situational Awareness and Security - Part 2

Smart Grid Security

Smart Grid Security 2015

Software Assurance

Software Assurance 2014 Part 1

Software Assurance 2014 Part 2

Software Assurance and Metrics 2015

Software Security, 2014 (ACM), Part 1

Software Security, 2014 (ACM), Part 2

Software Security, 2014 (IEEE), Part 1

Software Security, 2014 (IEEE), Part 2

Software Tamper Resistance

SoS Academic Survey

SoS and Resilience for Cyber-Physical Systems project

SoS Lablet Publications

SoS Lablet Quarterly Meeting - CMU

SoS Lablet Quarterly Meeting - NCSU

SoS Newsletter (2016 - Issue 3)

SoS Newsletter (2016 - Issue 4)

SoS Newsletter (2016 - Issue 5)

SoS VO Member Contributions

Spotlight on Current Lablet Activities

Spotlight on Lablet Activities

Spotlight on Research Activities Outside of the US

SQL Injections

SQL Injections 2015

Static Dynamic Analysis of Security Metrics for Cyberphysical Systems


Steganography 2015

SURE Meeting

SURE Meeting Presentations 2015 March 17-18

Sure Presentations

Survey on Resilience

Swarm Intelligence Security

Swarm Intelligence Security 2015

Sybil Attacks 2015

Synopses of Research Presentations UMD 201510

System Recovery

System Recovery 2015

System Science of SecUrity and REsilience (SURE)

System Science of SecUrity and REsilience (SURE) - Kickoff Meeting


Taint Analysis 2014

Tamper Resistance 2015

Text Analytics

Text Analytics 2015

Text Analytics Techniques (2014 Year in Review)

Theoretical Cryptography

Theoretical Cryptography 2015

Theoretical Foundations for Software

Threat Vector Metrics and Privacy, 2014

Threat Vectors

Time Frequency Analysis

Time Frequency Analysis and Security 2015

Trust and Trustworthiness

Trust and Trustworthiness 2015 Part 1

Trust and Trustworthiness 2015 Part 2

Trust and Trustworthiness, 2014

Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs)

Trusted Platform Modules 2015

Trustworthy Systems 2015

Trustworthy Systems, Part 1

Trustworthy Systems, Part 2


UIUC – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

UIUC Lablet Recent Activities

UMD - University of Maryland

UMD Lablet Recent Activities

Upcoming Events of Interest

Upcoming Events of Interest (2014 - Issue 1)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2014 - Issue 3)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2014 - Issue 5)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2014 - Issue 6)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2015 - Issue 1)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2015 - Issue 2)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2015 - Issue 3)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2015 - Issue 4)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2015 - Issue 6)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2015 - Issue 7)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2015 - Issue 8)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2016 - Issue 1)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2016 - Issue 2)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2016 - Issue 3)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2016 - Issue 4)

Upcoming Events of Interest (2016 - Issue 5)

US News (2014 - Issue 5)

US News (2014 - Issue 6)

US News (2015 - Issue 2)

US News (Vol 2015 - Issue 1)

US News (Vol 2015 - Issue 4)

User Privacy in the Cloud, 2014


Video Surveillance

Video Surveillance 2015

Virtual Machines (1)

Virtual Machines (2)

Virtual Machines 2015

Virtual Machines, 2015

Virtualization Privacy Auditing

Visible Light Communication

Visible Light Communications Security 2015

Vulnerability Detection (2014 Year in Review), Part 1

Vulnerability Detection (2014 Year in Review), Part 2

Vulnerability Detection (2014 Year in Review), Part 3

Vulnerability Detection (2014 Year in Review), Part 4

Vulnerability Detection 2015



Weaknesses 2015

Web Browser Security 2015

Web Browsers

Web Caching

Web Caching 2015

White Box Cryptography

Wireless Mesh Network Security

Wireless Mesh Network Security 2015

Work Factor Metrics 2015

Wyvern Programming Language

Wyvern programming language builds secure apps




Zero Day Attacks

Zero Day Exploits part 1

Zero Day Exploits part 2


Articles listed on these pages have been found on publicly available internet pages and are cited with links to those pages. Some of the information included herein has been reprinted with permission from the authors or data repositories. Direct any requests via Email for removal of the links or modifications to specific citations. Please include the ID# of the specific citation in your correspondence.