International Conferences: Conference on Networking Systems & Security (NSysS), Dhaka, Bangladesh


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International Conference on Networking Systems and Security (NSysS)

Dhaka, Bangladesh


International Conferences: International Conference on Networking Systems and Security (NSysS) 2015


The 2015 International Conference on Networking Systems and Security (NSysS) was held 5-7 January, 2015 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The program covered research ideas and results in networking systems and security. The topics of discussion included recent advances in theoretical and experimental research addressing  computer networks, networking systems, and security across academia and industry.  


Ahmad, Sahan; Alam, Kazi Md.Rokibul; Rahman, Habibur; Tamura, Shinsuke, "A Comparison Between Symmetric And Asymmetric Key Encryption Algorithm Based Decryption Mixnets," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp.1,5, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7043532 This paper presents a comparison between symmetric and asymmetric key encryption algorithm based decryption mixnets through simulation. Mix-servers involved in a decryption mixnet receive independently and repeatedly encrypted messages as their input, then successively decrypt and shuffle them to generate a new altered output from which finally the messages are regained. Thus mixnets confirm unlinkability and anonymity between senders and the receiver of messages. Both symmetric (e.g. onetime pad, AES) and asymmetric (e.g. RSA and ElGamal cryptosystems) key encryption algorithms can be exploited to accomplish decryption mixnets. This paper evaluates both symmetric (e.g. ESEBM: enhanced symmetric key encryption based mixnet) and asymmetric (e.g. RSA and ElGamal based) key encryption algorithm based decryption mixnets. Here they are evaluated based on several criteria such as: the number of messages traversing through the mixnet, the number of mix-servers involved in the mixnet and the key length of the underlying cryptosystem. Finally mixnets are compared on the basis of the computation time requirement for the above mentioned criteria while sending messages anonymously.

Keywords: Algorithm design and analysis; Encryption; Generators; Public key; Receivers; Servers; Anonymity; ElGamal; Mixnet; Privacy; Protocol; RSA; Symmetric key encryption algorithm (ID#: 15-3895) 



Zaman, Mehedee; Siddiqui, Tazrian; Amin, Mohammad Rakib; Hossain, Md.Shohrab, "Malware Detection in Android by Network Traffic Analysis," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp. 1, 5, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7043530 A common behavior of mobile malware is transferring sensitive information of the cell phone user to malicious remote servers. In this paper, we describe and demonstrate in full detail, a method for detecting malware based on this behavior. For this, we first create an App-URL table that logs all attempts made by all applications to communicate with remote servers. Each entry in this log preserves the application id and the URI that the application contacted. From this log, with the help of a reliable and comprehensive domain blacklist, we can detect rogue applications that communicate with malicious domains. We further propose a behavioral analysis method using syscall tracing. Our work can be integrated with be behavioral analysis to build an intelligent malware detection model.

Keywords: Androids; Humanoid robots; Malware; Mobile communication; Ports (Computers);Servers; Uniform resource locators; ADB; Android; Busybox; malware detection; netstat; pcap (ID#: 15-3896) 



Khan, Fahim Hasan; Ali, Mohammed Eunus; Dev, Himel, "A Hierarchical Approach For Identifying User Activity Patterns From Mobile Phone Call Detail Records," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp. 1, 6, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7043535 With the increasing use of mobile devices, now it is possible to collect different data about the day-to-day activities of personal life of the user. Call Detail Record (CDR) is the available dataset at large-scale, as they are already constantly collected by the mobile operator mostly for billing purpose. By examining this data it is possible to analyze the activities of the people in urban areas and discover the human behavioral patterns of their daily life. These datasets can be used for many applications that vary from urban and transportation planning to predictive analytics of human behavior. In our research work, we have proposed a hierarchical analytical model where this CDR Dataset is used to find facts on the daily life activities of urban users in multiple layers. In our model, only the raw CDR data are used as the input in the initial layer and the outputs from each consecutive layer is used as new input combined with the original CDR data in the next layers to find more detailed facts, e.g., traffic density in different areas in working days and holidays. So, the output in each layer is dependent on the results of the previous layers. This model utilized the CDR Dataset of one month collected from the Dhaka city, which is one of the most densely populated cities of the world. So, our main focus of this research work is to explore the usability of these types of dataset for innovative applications, such as urban planning, traffic monitoring and prediction, in a fashion more appropriate for densely populated areas of developing countries.

Keywords: Analytical models; Cities and towns; Data models; Employment; Mobile handsets; Poles and towers; Transportation (ID#: 15-3897) 



Ahmed, Shamir; Rizvi, A.S.M; Mansur, Rifat Sabbir; Amin, Md.Rafatul; Islam, A.B.M.Alim Al, "User Identification Through Usage Analysis Of Electronic Devices," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp.1,6, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7043518 Different aspects of usage of electronic devices significantly vary person to person, and therefore, rigorous usage analysis exhibits its prospect in identifying a user in road to secure the devices. Different state-of-the-art approaches have investigated different aspects of the usage, such as typing speed and dwelling time, in isolation for identifying a user. However, investigation of multiple aspects of the usage in combination is yet to be focused in the literature. Therefore, this paper, we investigate multiple aspects of usage in combination to identify a user. We perform the investigation over real users through letting them interact with an Android application, which we develop specifically for the investigation. Our investigation reveals a key finding considering multiple aspects of usage in combination provides improved performance in identifying a user. We get this improved performance up to a certain number of aspects of usage being considered in the identification task.

Keywords: Clustering algorithms; Measurement; Mobile handsets; Presses; Pressing; Security; Standards (ID#: 15-3898) 



Akter, Mahmuda; Rahman, Md.Obaidur; Islam, Md.Nazrul; Habib, Md.Ahsan, "Incremental Clustering-Based Object Tracking In Wireless Sensor Networks," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp. 1, 6, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7043534 Emerging significance of moving object tracking has been actively pursued in the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) community for the past decade. As a consequence, a number of methods from different angle of assessment have been developed while relatively satisfying performance. Amongst those, clustering based object tracking has shown significant results, which in term provides the network to be scalable and energy efficient for large-scale WSNs. As of now, static cluster based object tracking is the most common approach for large-scale WSN. However, as static clusters are restricted to share information globally, tracking can be lost at the boundary region of static clusters. In this paper, an Incremental Clustering Algorithm is proposed in conjunction with Static Clustering Technique to track an object consistently throughout the network solving boundary problem. The proposed research follows a Gaussian Adaptive Resonance Theory (GART) based Incremental Clustering that creates and updates clusters incrementally to incorporate incessant motion pattern without defiling the previously learned clusters. The objective of this research is to continue tracking at the boundary region in an energy-efficient way as well as to ensure robust and consistent object tracking throughout the network. The network lifetime performance metric has shown significant improvements for Incremental Static Clustering at the boundary regions than that of existing clustering techniques.

Keywords: Algorithm design and analysis; Clustering algorithms; Energy efficiency; Heuristic algorithms; Object tracking; Wireless sensor networks; Adaptive Resonance Theory; Energy-efficiency; Incremental Clustering; Object Tracking; Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) (ID#: 15-3899) 



izvi, A.S.M; Ahmed, Shamir; Bashir, Minhajul; Uddin, Md Yusuf Sarwar, "MediaServ: Resource Optimization In Subscription Based Media Crowdsourcing," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp.1,5, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7043527 In this paper we propose resource optimization for subscription based media content crowdsourcing. In this form of crowdsourcing, interested entities (we refer to them as Campaigners) announce their ‘interests’ expressing what media content (such as pictures, audio, and videos) they want to receive from participant users whereas mobile users subscribe to those interests as an intention to serve content satisfying the respective interests. Campaigners solicit content generated by users by mentioning explicit criteria that the media content should satisfy, for example a ‘noise pollution’ campaigner who wants to measure noise level of a city neighborhood, may ask potential users for audio clips recorded at a certain location at peak hours of weekdays. Subscribed users voluntarily or on paid terms generate content against those interests. Given that a user may subscribe to different campaign interests and its generated content may satisfy different interests in varying degree of accuracy, we propose methods to evaluate contents based on the degree of satisfaction against the subscribed interests, and then develop techniques for delivering those contents to the campaign end points so that it optimizes the user's resource utilization, such as energy and bandwidth.

Keywords: Cities and towns; Crowdsourcing; Media; Mobile communication; Sensors; Subscriptions (ID#: 15-3900) 



Nurain, Novia; Mostakim, Moin; Islam, A.B.M.Alim Al, "Towards Empirical Study Based Mathematical Modeling For Throughput of MANETs," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp.1,6, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7043524 Mathematical modeling for throughput of MANETs considering the impact of different layers in the protocol stack in addition to that of different network parameters remains unexplored till now even though such modeling is considered as the fastest and the most cost-effective tool for evaluating the performance of a network. Therefore, in this paper, we attempt to develop a mathematical model for throughput of MANETs considering both of the aspects. In addition, we also focus on developing mathematical models for delivery ratio and drop ratio, these metrics limit the maximum throughput of a network. In our analysis, we perform rigorous simulation utilizing ns-2 to capture the performance of MANETs under diversified settings. Our rigorous empirical study reveals that we need to develop cross-layer mathematical models for throughput, delivery ratio, and drop ratio to represent the performance of MANETs and such mathematical models need to resolve higher-order polynomial equations. Consequently, our study uncovers a key finding that mathematical modeling of MANETs considering variation in all parameters is not feasible.

Keywords: Ad hoc networks; Fluctuations; Market research; Mathematical model; Measurement; Mobile computing; Throughput; MANET; Mathematical modeling; ns-2 (ID#: 15-3901) 



Kabir, Tanjida; Nurain, Novia; Kabir, Md.Humayun, "Pro-AODV (Proactive AODV): Simple Modifications To AODV For Proactively Minimizing Congestion in VANETs," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp. 1, 6, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7043521 Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) are key to realizing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Although VANETs belong to the class of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET), and there are numerous routing protocols for MANETs, none of these protocols are applicable for VANETs. In particular, VANETs are highly dynamic due to high speed mobility of vehicles and traditional routing algorithms for MANETs cannot deal with such dynamicity of network nodes. Several comparative studies have suggested AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector), a well known MANET protocol that is adaptive to dynamic changes in network and makes efficient utilization of network resources, to be the best candidate for dealing with VANETs. However, verbatim adoption of AODV is not an efficient routing solution for VANETs. Recent works therefore proposed various modifications and/or additions to AODV to make it suitable for VANETs. It is particularly important to control congestion in VANETs by efficiently dealing with the AODV "Route Request" (RREQ) packets. In this paper, we propose Pro-AODV (Proactive AODV), a protocol that uses information from the AODV routing table to minimize congestion in VANETs, yet sustains other performance metrics at acceptable levels. The novelty and elegance in Pro-AODV comes from the fact that it does not require the execution of any additional logic, it is sufficient to know only the size of the routing table at each node.

Keywords: Delays; Probabilistic logic; Routing; Routing protocols; Vehicles; Vehicular ad hoc networks; AODV; VANET; congestion; routing protocol; routing table (ID#: 15-3902) 



Ferdous, S.M.; Rahman, M.Sohel, "A Metaheuristic Approach For Application Partitioning In Mobile System," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp.1, 6, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7043520 Mobile devices such as smartphones are extremely popular now. In spite of their huge popularity, the computational ability of mobile devices is still low. Computational offloading is a way to transfer some of the heavy computational tasks to server(cloud) so that the efficiency and usability of the system increases. In this paper, we have developed a metaheuristic approach for application partitioning to maximize throughput and performance. Preliminary experiments suggest that our approach is better than the traditional all cloud and all mobile approach.

Keywords: Computers; Mobile communication; Mobile computing; Mobile handsets; Partitioning algorithms; Servers; Throughput (ID#: 15-3903) 



Sen, Ayon; Islam, A.S.M.Sohidull; Uddin, Md Yusuf Sarwar, "MARQUES: Distributed Multi-Attribute Range Query Solution Using Space Filling Curve on DTHs," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp. 1, 9, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7043516 This paper proposes a distributed peer-to-peer data lookup technique on DHTs in order to serve range queries over multiple attributes. The scheme, MARQUES, uses space filling curves to map multi-attribute data points to a one-dimensional key space and thus effectively converts multi-attribute range queries into a consecutive series of one-dimensional keys. These keys are then used to place or lookup data objects over a DHT. Space filling curves preserve locality of attribute values and thus helps greatly in facilitating range queries in terms of the number of nodes to be searched to serve a given range query. MARQUES, although can be instrumented with any space filling curve, has been implemented with two curves, namely Z-order curve and Hilbert curve, and uses a multi-level variant of Chord, a popular DHT, as its underlying overlay. Simulation results on OMNET++ show that MARQUES successfully answers range queries with significant efficiency in terms of message overhead and query latency.

Keywords: Computer science; Distributed databases; Educational institutions; Indexes; Peer-to-peer computing; Protocols; Routing (ID#: 15-3904) 



Yanhaona, Muhammad N.; Prodhan, Md Anindya T.; Grimshaw, Andrew S., "An Agent-Based Distributed Monitoring Framework (Extended abstract)," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp.1,10, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7043515 In compute clusters, monitoring of infrastructure and application components is essential for performance assessment, failure detection, problem forecasting, better resource allocation, and several other reasons. Present day trends towards larger and more heterogeneous clusters, rise of virtual data-centers, and greater variability of usage suggest that we have to rethink how we do monitoring. We need solutions that will remain scalable in the face of unforeseen expansions, can work in a wide-range of environments, and be adaptable to changes of requirements. We have developed an agent-based framework for constructing such monitoring solutions. Our framework deals with all scalability and flexibility issues associated with monitoring and leaves only the use-case specific task of data generation to the specific solution. This separation of concerns provides a versatile design that enables a single monitoring solution to work in a range of environments; and, at the same time, enables a range of monitoring solutions exhibiting different behaviors to be constructed by varying the tunable parameters of the framework. This paper presents the design, implementation, and evaluation of our novel framework.

Keywords: Fault tolerance; Heart beat; Monitoring; Quality of service; Receivers; Routing; Scalability; autonomous systems; cluster monitoring; distributed systems; flexibility; scalability (ID#: 15-3905) 



Sadat, Md.Nazmus; Mohiuddin, Muhammad Tasnim; Uddin, Md.Yusuf Sarwar, "On Bounded Message Replication In Delay Tolerant Networks," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp.1,10, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7042952 Delay tolerant networks (DTN), are wireless networks in which at any given time instance, the probability that there is an end-to-end path from a source to a destination is low. So, the conventional solutions do not generally work in DTNs because they assume that the network is stable most of the time and failures of links between nodes are infrequent. Therefore, store-carry-and-forward paradigm is used in routing of messages in DTNs. To deal with DTNs, researchers have suggested to use flooding-based routing schemes. While flooding-based schemes have a high probability of delivery, they waste a lot of energy and suffer from severe contention, which can significantly degrade their performance. For this reason, a family of multi-copy protocols called Spray routing, was proposed which can achieve both good delays and low transmissions. Spray routing algorithms generate only a small, carefully chosen number of copies to ensure that the total number of transmissions is small and controlled. Spray and Wait sprays a number of copies into the network, and then waits till one of these nodes meets the destination. In this paper, we propose a set of spraying heuristics that dictates how replicas are shared among nodes. These heuristics are based on delivery probabilities derived from contact histories.

Keywords: Binary trees; Delays; History; Probabilistic logic; Routing; Routing protocols; Spraying; Delay tolerant network; Spray and Wait; routing protocol (ID#: 15-3906) 



Nur, Fernaz Narin; Sharmin, Seiina; Razzaque, Md.Abdur; Islam, Md.Shariful, "A Duty Cycle Directional MAC Protocol For Wireless Sensor Networks," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp.1,9, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7042950 The directional transmission and reception of data packets in sensor networks minimize the interference and thereby increase the network throughput, and thus the Directional Sensor Networks (DSN) are getting popularity. However, the use of directional antenna has introduced new problems in designing the medium access control (MAC) protocol in DSNs including the synchonizaiton of antenna direction of a pair of sender-receiver. In this paper, we have developed a duty cycle MAC protocol for DSNs, namely DCD-MAC, that synchronizes each pair of parent-child nodes and schedules their transmissions in such a way that transmission from child nodes minimizes the collision and the nodes are awake only when they have transmission-reception activities. The proposed DCD-MAC is fully distributed and it exploits only localized information to ensure weighted share of the transmission slots among the child nodes. We perform extensive simulations to study the performances of DCD-MAC and the results show that our protocol outperforms a state-of-the-art directional MAC protocol in terms of throughput and network lifetime.

Keywords: Data transfer; Directional antennas; Media Access Protocol; Resource management; Synchronization; Wireless sensor networks (ID#: 15-3907) 



Sharmin, Selina; Nur, Fernaz Narin; Razzaque, Md.Abdur; Rahman, Md.Mustafizur, "Network Lifetime Aware Area Coverage For Clustered Directional Sensor Networks," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp. 1, 9, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7042949 The problem of field or area coverage in Directional Sensor Networks (DSNs) presents huge research challenges including appropriate selection of sensors with their active sensing directions in an energy-efficient way. Existing solutions permit to execute coverage enhancement algorithms in each individual sensor nodes, leading to high communication and computation overheads, loss of energy and reduced accuracy. In this paper, we have proposed a novel network lifetime aware area coverage solution, NLAC, for a clustered DSN, where distributed cluster heads (CHs) have the responsibility of determining the number of active member nodes and their sensing directions. The CHs minimizes the overlapping coverage area and energy consumption by switching more nodes in sleep state. The proposed NLAC system is fully distributed and it exploits single-hop neighborhood information only. Results from extensive simulations, show that NLAC system offers better performance in terms of covering area and network life.

Keywords: Area measurement; Clustering algorithms; Computer science; Educational institutions; Electronic mail; Sensors} (ID#: 15-3908) 



Zohra, Fatema Tuz; Rahman, Ashikur, "Mathematical Analysis Of Self-Pruning And A New Dynamic Probabilistic Broadcast for MANETs," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp.1,9, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7042947 Self-pruning broadcasting algorithm exploits neighbor knowledge to reduce redundant retransmissions in mobile ad hoc wireless networks (MANETs). Although in self-pruning, only a subset of nodes forward the message based on certain forwarding rule, it belongs to one of the reliable broadcasting algorithm category where a broadcast message is guaranteed (at least algorithmically) to reach all the nodes in the network. In this paper, we develop an analytical model to determine expected number of forwarding nodes required to complete a broadcast in self-pruning algorithm. The derived expression is a function of various network parameters (such as, network density and distance between nodes) and radio transceiver parameters (such as transmission range). Moreover, the developed mathematical expression provides us a better understanding of the highly complex packet forwarding pattern of self-pruning algorithm and valuable insight to design a new broadcasting heuristic. The proposed new heuristic is a dynamic probabilistic broadcast where rebroadcast probability of each node is dynamically determined from a developed mathematical expression. Extensive simulation experiments have been conducted to validate the accuracy of the analytical model, as well as, to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed heuristic. Performance analysis shows that the proposed heuristic outperforms the static probabilistic broadcasting algorithm and an existing solution proposed by Bahadili.

Keywords: Ad hoc networks; Broadcasting;  Equations; Heuristic algorithms; Mathematical model; Probabilistic logic; Protocols (ID#: 15-3909) 



Sayeed, Suri Dipannita; Hasan, Md.Sajid; Rahman, Md.Saidur, "Measuring Topological Robustness Of Scale-Free Networks Using Biconnected Components," Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2015 International Conference on, pp.1,6, 5-7 Jan. 2015. doi: 10.1109/NSysS.2015.7042945 Models of complex networks are dependent on various properties of networks like connectivity, accessibility, efficiency, robustness, degree distribution etc. Network robustness is a parameter that reflects attack tolerance of a network in terms of connectivity. In this paper we have tried to measure the robustness of a network in such a way that gives a better idea of both stability and reliability of a network. In some previous works, the existence of a giant connected component is considered as an indicator of structural robustness of the entire system. In this paper we show that the size of a largest biconnected component can be a better parameter for measurement of robustness of a complex network. Our experimental study exhibits that scale-free networks are more vulnerable to sustained targeted attacks and more resilient to random failures.

Keywords: Artificial neural networks; Bridges; Complex networks; Graph theory; Robustness; Size measurement (ID#: 15-3910) 



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