About the ACT Workshop

About the ACT Workshop

The Adoption of Cybersecurity Technology Workshop is sponsored by the Special Cyber Operations Research and Engineering (SCORE) Subcommittee.  SCORE increases awareness and insight, across the US Government, into classified and unclassified cyber-related research and development to develop new ways of operating and doing business.

As a community, researchers and developers have produced many effective cybersecurity technology solutions that are not implemented for a variety of reasons. Many cybersecurity professionals believe that 80% of the current problems in cyberspace have known solutions that have not been implemented.

Participants in the workshop will identify systemic issues that are preventing adoption of such solutions and suggest how we can change business practices to enable these cybersecurity technology practices to be adopted. After the workshop, participants will work within their home organizations to implement the solutions identified at the workshop.

In order to illuminate systemic barriers to adoption of security measures, the workshop will focus specifically on countering the phishing threat and its aftermath. Participants will be committed to explore and develop action plans for four use cases that address each of the four fundamental cybersecurity goals:

* Device Integrity
* Damage Containment
* Defense of Accounts (Authentication and Credential Protection)
* Secure and Available Transport

The agenda will include briefings on a specific threat scenario, briefings on cohorts’ concerns to promote understanding among groups, facilitated sessions that address the use cases, and the development of action plans to be implemented via 90 day spins. Participants will take ownership of the solutions put forward during the workshop, and will brief the Adoption of Cybersecurity Technology Organizing Committee every 90 days on the status of their implementation.  The spin reports will address successes, challenges, and the specific steps taken to overcome roadblocks to the realization of the adoption of cybersecurity technologies by specific government entities.

The workshop will involve approximately 40 participants, primarily from government but also from academia and industry.  We are interested in receiving your input for candidate technologies to be included in the workshop.  If you have a technology that you are pursuing, we strongly urge you to submit ideas for consideration within the use case framework identified above when registering. 

Questions about the event can be addressed to ACT@cps-vo.org