SCC Meeting 14 - Program Agenda

Software Certification Consortium Meeting #14
The Road to a Cyber-Physical Systems
with Designed-In Assurance
January 26-27, 2015 | Rockville, Maryland

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0700 - 0800 Registration | Coffee, Refreshments, and Networking
0800 - 0810 Welcome and Introduction
Alan Wassyng
0810 - 0825 Introductions: Attendees and Workshop Theme
Dr. Andrea (Pepperdine U) and Dr. Buttles-Valdez (SEI)
0825 - 0830 Introduction to whole-group, workshop-long exercise
Dr. Andreas (Pepperdine U)
0830 - 0900 Software (-dependent systems) assurance: Significance to USDOD
Michael May (U.S. DoD - OASD (R&E))
0900 - 0920 Assurance for a System of Medical Devices: A UL Vision
Anura Fernando (UL)
0920 - 0950 Small Group Discussion 1: Digest DoD and UL Visions. Set individual vision.
Approximately 6 groups; facilitator moderated
0950 - 1005 Coffee, Refreshments, and Networking
1005 - 1025 A Structure for Reasoning
Tom Maibaum (McMaster University)
1025 - 1045 Assurance Framework
Chuck Weinstock (SEI)
1045 - 1125 Built-In Assurance: Results from DARPA HACMS Project
Darren Cofer (Rockwell-Collins)
1125 - 1200 Small Group Discussion 2: Digest Assurance Case Logic Framework & Map Into Individual Domain and Vision
Approximately 6 groups; facilitator moderated
1200 - 1300 Lunch and Networking
1300-1355 Assurance of a Patient-Specific Network of Medical Devices
John Hatcliff (KSU)
1355 - 1445 Integrated Environment for Development and Assurance
Peter Feiler (SEI)
1445 - 1500 Coffee, Refreshments, and Networking
1500 - 1600 Integrated Environment: AADL-based Framework
Bruce Lewis (U.S. Army Aviation and Missile R&D & Engineering Center
1600 - 1645 Small Group Discussion 3: The potential of architectural engineering, supported with modeling and tools. Map into individual domain and vision.
Approximately 6 facilitator moderated breakout groups.
0700 - 0800 Registration | Coffee, Refreshments, and Networking
0800 - 0900 Correct-by-Construction: State of the Art
Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt)
0900 - 0930 Small Group Discussion 4: What did we learn from the phone example? Map into individual domain and vision.
Approximately 6 facilitator moderated breakout groups.
0930 - 0945 Coffee, Refreshments, and Networking
0945 - 1020 Quality Measurement
Tom Maibaum (McMaster U)
1020 - 1045 NRC's Recent Research and Plans Under Development
Sushil Birla (NRC)
1045 - 1130 Small Group Discussion 5: Discuss quality attributes and relationships. Map into individual domain and vision.
Approximately 6 facilitator moderated breakout groups.
1130 - 1300 Lunch and Networking
1300 - 1400 Capacity-building: capability development - Individual; organizational.
Dr. Palma Buttles-Valdez (SEI)
1400 - 1500 Addressing the Communication Gap
Dr. Dorothy Collins Andres (Pepperdine U)
1515 - 1615 Coffee, Refreshments, and Networking
1615 - 1645 Recap and the path forward
Facilitator moderated whole-group dicussion
1645 - 1700 Observations on Planning Research for Transition
Dr. Michael May (U.S. DoD OASD (R&E))
1615 - 1645 Closing Remarks
Dr. Alan Wassyng
1700 Adjourn