SCC Meeting 10 - Program Agenda

Software Certification Consortium Meeting #10
Evidence Required for Highest Integrity Level Systems
January 7-8, 2013 | Silver Spring, Maryland

Conference Archives:


0845 - 0900 Introduction
SESSION 1: Evidence that the system requirements are correct, complete and understandable
0900 - 0930 Analyzing Consistency and Completeness of Requirements: A Model-Based Approach
Rance Cleaveland, University of Maryland / Fraunhofer USA
0930 - 1000 Formal Methods Based Requirement Engineering for Automotive Embedded Systems
Ramesh S., GM Global R&D
1000 - 1030 Discussion
1030 - 1045 Coffee
1045 - 1200 Breakout Session 1
1230 - 1330 Lunch
SESSION 2: Evidence that the implementation meets its requirements
1330 - 1400 Finally: Practical Formal Verification of Large Software Systems
John Knight, University of Virginia
1400 - 1430 Self evidently true: rethinking software design
Daniel Jackson, MIT
1430 - 1445 Coffee
1445 - 1515 Software Assurance Tools to Improve Evidence Strength
Elizabeth Fong, NIST
1515 - 1545 Discussion
1545 - 1700 Breakout Session 2
1700 - 1730 Report Back from Breakouts
SESSION 3: Evidence that the operational & maintenance requirements & constraints are identified correctly & satisfied
0900 - 0930 Understanding Evidence: Lessons from the GPCA Case Study
Oleg Sokolsky & Insup Lee, University of Pennsylvania
0930 - 1000 Evidence that the Operational and Maintenance Requirements and Constraints are Identified Correctly and Satisfied
Norbert Carte, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 
1000 - 1030 Discussion
1030 - 1045 Coffee
1045 - 1200 Breakout Session 3
1200 - 1230 Report Back from Breakouts
1230 - 1330 Lunch
SESSION 4: Analysis & Future Work
1330 - 1445 Breakout Session 4
1445 - 1500 Coffee
1500 - 1630 Report Back from Breakouts
1630 - 1700 Action Items
1700 - 1715 Concluding Session